Class ChartFactory

  • public final class ChartFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    A factory class to create instances of different kinds of charts.
    • Method Detail

      • newBarChart

        public static Chart newBarChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data)
        Creates a bar chart.

        Multiple bars, of potentially different point data, are shown on the same axis.

      • newBarChart

        public static Chart newBarChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                        BarChartOptions options)
        Creates a bar chart.

        Multiple bars, of potentially different point data, are shown on the same axis.

      • newBarChart

        public static Chart newBarChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                        BarChartOptions options,
                                        DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a bar chart.

        Multiple bars, of potentially different point data, are shown on the same axis.

      • newBarChart

        public static Chart newBarChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                        DisplayOptions options)
        Creates a bar chart.

        Multiple bars, of potentially different point data, are shown on the same axis.

      • newCategoryBarChart

        public static Chart newCategoryBarChart​(CategoryBarChartData data)
        Creates a category bar chart.

        A category bar chart represents information similar in structure to a pie chart.
        Categories are arranged on the abscissa (the x axis), and bars for each category show the numerical value on the ordinate (the y axis).
        While a pie chart can only represent a single numerical value for the same category, a category bar chart can represent multiple categories using a bar for each one.

      • newCategoryBarChart

        public static Chart newCategoryBarChart​(CategoryBarChartData data,
                                                CategoryBarChartOptions options)
        Creates a category bar chart.

        A category bar chart represents information similar in structure to a pie chart.
        Categories are arranged on the abscissa (the x axis), and bars for each category show the numerical value on the ordinate (the y axis).
        While a pie chart can only represent a single numerical value for the same category, a category bar chart can represent multiple categories using a bar for each one.

      • newCategoryBarChart

        public static Chart newCategoryBarChart​(CategoryBarChartData data,
                                                CategoryBarChartOptions options,
                                                DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a category bar chart.

        A category bar chart represents information similar in structure to a pie chart.
        Categories are arranged on the abscissa (the x axis), and bars for each category show the numerical value on the ordinate (the y axis).
        While a pie chart can only represent a single numerical value for the same category, a category bar chart can represent multiple categories using a bar for each one.

      • newCategoryBarChart

        public static Chart newCategoryBarChart​(CategoryBarChartData data,
                                                DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a category bar chart.

        A category bar chart represents information similar in structure to a pie chart.
        Categories are arranged on the abscissa (the x axis), and bars for each category show the numerical value on the ordinate (the y axis).
        While a pie chart can only represent a single numerical value for the same category, a category bar chart can represent multiple categories using a bar for each one.

      • newLineChart

        public static Chart newLineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data)
        Creates a line chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newLineChart

        public static Chart newLineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                         DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a line chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newLineChart

        public static Chart newLineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                         LineChartOptions options)
        Creates a line chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newLineChart

        public static Chart newLineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                         LineChartOptions options,
                                         DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a line chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newPieChart

        public static Chart newPieChart​(PieChartData data)
        Creates a pie chart.
      • newSparklineChart

        public static Chart newSparklineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data)
        Creates a sparkline chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newSparklineChart

        public static Chart newSparklineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                              DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a sparkline chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newSparklineChart

        public static Chart newSparklineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                              SparklineChartOptions options)
        Creates a sparkline chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.

      • newSparklineChart

        public static Chart newSparklineChart​(AxisData<?,​?> data,
                                              SparklineChartOptions options,
                                              DisplayOptions displayOptions)
        Creates a sparkline chart.

        Multiple points that may be part of multiple lines are shown on the same axis.