Class LineChartOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • LineChartOptions

        public LineChartOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • showLines

        public void showLines​(boolean show)
        Specifies whether or not to show lines.

        Note: Setting both showLines(boolean) and showPoints(boolean) to false will results in an invisible chart.
        Default value: true.

      • useSteps

        public void useSteps​(boolean use)
        Determines whether or not to use steps.

        When using steps, points are not connected using a direct line.
        Instead, horizontal and vertical lines are used to connect two points.
        Default value: false.

      • setFillAreaOpacity

        public void setFillAreaOpacity​(double opacity)
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the area between a line and the x axis.

        A value of 0 represents a completely transparent area.
        A value of 1 represents a completely opaque area.
        Note: For this option to function showLines(boolean) must be set to true.
        Default value: 0.

      • setLineWidth

        public void setLineWidth​(double lineWidth)
        The line width in pixels.

        Note: Setting this to 0 will make the lines invisible.
        It is recommended to set showLines(boolean) to false instead.
        Default value: 2.

      • showPoints

        public void showPoints​(boolean show)
        Determines whether or not to show points.

        Note: Setting both showPoints(boolean) and showLines(boolean) to false will result in an invisible chart.
        Default value: true.

      • setPointRadius

        public void setPointRadius​(double radius)
        The radius of points.

        Default value: 2.

      • setStack

        public void setStack​(boolean stack)
        Determines whether or not to stack lines.
        When stacked, points for the same X value are stacked on top of each other.

        Note: When points are stacked their value on the y axis is relative to the line below.
        Warning: This option must be used only with an ordinate of numerical type. This option will not function correctly when set to true and used on an ordinate of type date or boolean.
        Warning: Exactly the same abscissa values must be present on all lines for this option to function correctly. When set to true, the points must be sorted by the abscissa in ascending order for this option to function correctly.
        If not stacked the points and the lines they form may intersect.
        This option is most useful with filled lines.
        Default value: false.