Class SimpleAxisChartOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleAxisChartOptions

        public SimpleAxisChartOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • showAxisLabels

        public final void showAxisLabels​(boolean show)
        Sets whether to show axis labels or not.

        Default value: false.

      • setRotateTickXAxis

        public void setRotateTickXAxis​(double rotateTickXAxis)
        A number between 0 and 1 that represents the tick x-axis percentage of rotate.

        A value of 0 represents a completely horizontal tick x-axis, reducing the view to a line.
        A value of 1 represents a fully vertical view of the tick x-axis.
        Default value: 0.5.

      • setDateFormat

        public final void setDateFormat​(java.lang.String dateFormat)
        Sets a date-time format for the label on the axis.

        Note: The date-time format must follow the date and time pattern of java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
        "yyyy-MM-dd" : "2001-06-04"
        "MMM dd, yyyy" : "Jun 04, 2001"
        "yy-M-d" : "01-6-4"
        "MM/yyyy" : "06/2001"
        "yyyy" : "2001"
        "HH:mm" : "11:39"
        Default value: "MM/dd/yyyy".

      • setNumberFormat

        public final void setNumberFormat​(java.lang.String numberFormat)
        Sets a number format for the labels on the axis.

        Note: The number format must comply with the the number format of d3js library v4.
        "+,%" : "+56,133%"
        ".1f" : "56133.1"
        ".4f" : "561.3330"
        ".0f" : "56133"
        ".4r" : "56130"
        Default value: ",.2f".
