Class TableMappingSelector<ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>>

    • Method Detail

      • whereSource

        public static <ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>> TableMappingSelector<ST,​TT> whereSource​(java.util.function.Predicate<ST> criteria)
        Selects the first table mapping that meets the criteria of the source table only.
        See Also:
      • whereTarget

        public static <ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>> TableMappingSelector<ST,​TT> whereTarget​(java.util.function.Predicate<TT> criteria)
        Selects the first table mapping that meets the criteria of the target table only.
        See Also:
      • where

        public static <ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>> TableMappingSelector<ST,​TT> where​(java.util.function.Predicate<ST> sourceCriteria,
                                                                                                                                          java.util.function.Predicate<TT> targetCriteria)
        Selects the first table mapping that meets the criteria of both the source table and the target table.
        See Also:
        SourceTable, TargetTable