Class InputDefinition

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      InputDefinition​(java.lang.String name, com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label, com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage description, DataType type, boolean multiValued)
      Constructs a new InputDefinition.
      InputDefinition​(java.lang.String name, com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label, com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage description, java.util.List<InputDefinition> childrenInputs)
      Constructs a new InputDefinition with multiple inputs from children.
      InputDefinition​(java.lang.String name, com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label, DataType type)
      Constructs a new single-valued InputDefinition.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputDefinition

        public InputDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label,
                               com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage description,
                               DataType type,
                               boolean multiValued)
        Constructs a new InputDefinition.
        name - the unique name.
        label - the label.
        description - the description.
        type - the data type.
        multiValued - whether this input is multi-valued.
      • InputDefinition

        public InputDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label,
                               com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage description,
                               java.util.List<InputDefinition> childrenInputs)
        Constructs a new InputDefinition with multiple inputs from children.

        The object returned is a GenericDataObject.

        The graphical mapping screen will display all ports that correspond with the number of child inputs.

        name - the input's unique name
        label - the input's label
        description - the input's description
        childrenInputs - the list that defines child inputs. Multi-valued and unbounded values are not supported for child input definitions.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the unique name.
      • getLabel

        public com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getLabel()
        Returns the label.
      • getDescription

        public com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getDescription()
        Returns the description.
      • getType

        public DataType getType()
        Returns the data type.
      • isMultiValued

        public boolean isMultiValued()
        Returns true if the input is multi-valued.
      • isUnbounded

        public boolean isUnbounded()
        Returns true if the input size is unbounded.

        Returns false if the input size is fixed.

      • setUnbounded

        public void setUnbounded​(boolean unbounded)
        Sets whether the input size is unbounded.
        unbounded - Determines whether all input values are considered.
      • getChildrenInputs

        public java.util.List<InputDefinition> getChildrenInputs()