Uses of Package
Classes and interfaces to call the {addon.label} import, export and transfer.
Classes and interfaces used to generate tables, fields and mappings for the XML and SQL import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to define specifications for the import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to configure mapping between source and target applications.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} transformation
functions for the import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} import Excel, CSV, XML and transfer data services using validator.
ClassDescriptionSpecifies the configuration used for data import, export and transfer.Defines the configuration used to export the {addon.label} configuration to an XML file.Defines the configuration used to import the {addon.label} configuration from an XML file.Defines the possible service types.Specifies a configuration used to filter tables.
ClassDescriptionSpecifies the configuration used for data import, export and transfer.Specifies the configuration used when exporting data to a CSV file.Specifies the configuration used when importing data from a CSV file.Defines the possible service types.Specifies the configuration used to export data to an Excel file.Defines the configuration used when importing data from an Excel file.Defines the configuration used to export data to an external database.Defines the configuration used for importing data from an external database.Specifies the configuration used for data transfer.Specifies the configuration used when exporting data to an XML file.Specifies the configuration used to import data from an XML file.
ClassDescriptionSpecifies the configuration used for data import, export and transfer.Defines the formatting of an Excel file's data cell.Specifies a data cell's position in an Excel file.Defines a data cell's template in an Excel file.Represents the character used to denote a decimal.Defines the configuration used for data export.Defines the configuration used for exporting data to a file.Specifies the configuration used when importing data from a file.Defines the possible font styles.Specifies the configuration used for data import.Specifies the configuration used for importing data to a file.Specifies the scope when importing add-on configuration data from an XML file.Defines the JNDI configuration for executing Import and Export of SQL without requiring global configuration in the application server.Represents the characters used to signify the end of a CSV line.Defines the possible separator characters.Defines the possible service types.Specifies a spreadsheet template configuration for exporting data to an Excel file.Defines the possible Excel file formats.Provides a cell data template for an Excel file.Specifies the configuration used for the subtitle template in an exported file.Specifies a configuration used to filter tables.Specifies the configuration used for the title template in the exported file, such as title's starting position and text style.