Class NodeImage

  • public final class NodeImage
    extends NodeElement
    Represents an image element. The image source can be a fixed URL, or a media field's path.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeImage

        public NodeImage()
        Constructs a new NodeImage that by default auto stretches to fit the given bounds.
    • Method Detail

      • setBindingSource

        public void setBindingSource​(java.lang.String source)
        Sets the source for this image. It can be a fixed URL, or a media field's path. A media field is used by the TIBCO EBX Digital Asset Manager Add-on to attach an asset to a table field. The media field path must follow the following pattern: ${fieldPath} not including the table path. Examples: - A fixed URL: "/www/common/images/icons/avatar.png". - A DAM field path: "${/picture/attachment}".
        source - the fixed URL, or the path of media field.
      • setBindingSource

        public void setBindingSource​(NodeValueRenderer action)
        Sets the source for this image using NodeValueRenderer.
        action - an implementation of NodeValueRenderer.
      • getOpacity

        public double getOpacity()
        Returns the opacity of this image.
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(double opacity)
        Sets the opacity for this image. The value must be between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (no additional transparency).
        opacity - the multiplicative opacity for this image.
      • isImageStretch

        public boolean isImageStretch()
        Returns true if the image is stretched within its bounding box; false otherwise.
      • setImageStretch

        public void setImageStretch​(boolean imageStretch)
        Sets whether the image must stretch within its bounding box.
        imageStretch - a boolean value