Class AbstractBarChartOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:
BarChartOptions, CategoryBarChartOptions

public abstract class AbstractBarChartOptions extends SimpleAxisChartOptions
Represents common options for bar charts and category bar charts.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBarChartOptions

      public AbstractBarChartOptions()
  • Method Details

    • setBarWidth

      public abstract void setBarWidth(double barWidth)
      Sets the bar width.
    • setStack

      public final void setStack(boolean stack)
      Determines whether or not bars stack.

      When bars are stacked, they are drawn on top of each other as part of a bigger bar.
      This option should only be used for the numerical x axis.
      Note: When bars are stacked, their value on the y axis is relative to the bar below.
      Warning: This option must be used only with an ordinate of numerical type. This option will not function correctly when set to true and used on an ordinate of type date or boolean.
      Warning: Exactly the same abscissa values must be present on all lines for this option to function correctly. This means that for category bar chart the exact same labels must be present on all collections.
      Warning: When set to true, the points must be sorted by the abscissa in ascending order for this option to function correctly.
      If the bars are not stacked, then they are drawn next to each other.
      Default value: false.