Interface TableConfiguration

public interface TableConfiguration
Represents an EBX table which is registered with the EBX™ Match and Merge Add-on.
  • Method Details

    • isPauseMatchingTrigger

      boolean isPauseMatchingTrigger()

      Verifies whether the matching trigger is active or inactive.

      boolean If true, the matching trigger is inactive. Otherwise, the matching trigger is active
    • getDefaultMatchingPolicy

      TableMatchingPolicy getDefaultMatchingPolicy()

      Returns the default matching policy.

      TableMatchingPolicy A matching policy defines a set of parameters that the add-on uses to determine the relationship status between each record. This is the default policy configured in the EBX™ Match and Merge Add-on administration
    • getActiveMatchingPolicies

      Iterable<TableMatchingPolicy> getActiveMatchingPolicies()

      Returns the matching policies configured for this table.

      Iterable A matching policy defines a set of parameters that the add-on uses to determine the relationship status between each record. Those are all the matching policies defined and attached to an EBX table.
    • getTrustedSources

      TrustedSources getTrustedSources()
      Returns the trusted sources that have been configured for this table.
      TrustedSources The trusted sources that have been configured for the table and all fields that belong to it.