Interface PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction
Represents a function that builds a primary key field during a merge operation. This function is applied to an automatically created golden record and based on a given context. PrimaryKeyFieldMergeContext
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    apply(PrimaryKeyFieldMergeContext primaryKeyFieldMergeContext)
    Applies this function to the given primary key field merge context.
  • Method Details

    • apply

      Object[] apply(PrimaryKeyFieldMergeContext primaryKeyFieldMergeContext)

      Applies this function to the given primary key field merge context.

      This method is invoked for each new auto created golden record.

      Life cycle:

      • The method is invoked after getting the survivor record in the group (RecordSelectionFunction.apply(List)}) and before getting the values of all normal fields (FieldMergeFunction.apply(FieldMergeContext)).
      • The values of the primary key field are set in the new golden record after the method TableTrigger.handleNewContext(com.orchestranetworks.schema.trigger.NewTransientOccurrenceContext) call and before all others triggers in the table.

      primaryKeyFieldMergeContext - Current context when create new auto created golden record