See: Description
Interface | Description |
JavaScriptCatalog |
This interface is only used to document JavaScript functions and
should not be referenced by Java code.
JavaScriptCatalog.EBX_ValidationMessage |
A JavaScript object that holds a list of messages with different severities.
JavaScriptCatalog.EbxHtmlButtonElement |
Represents an HTML button generated by EBX®
using a Java
UIButtonSpec object. |
ResourceType |
Identifies a type of packaged resource.
UIAjaxContext |
Encapsulates an HTTP response so that an Ajax component is able
to generate its part of the DHTML page.
UIBodyWriter |
This interface provides methods for adding text to the body of a document.
UIComponentWriter |
This interface offers common user interface methods to create standard
EBX® components.
UIContext |
Common abstract class for
UIBeanEditor contexts. |
UIDependencyRegisterer |
This interface provides methods to add dependencies to resource files
in the current response context.
UIFormRequestContext |
Encapsulates an HTTP request so that a custom form can
provide the user input validation context.
UIJavaScriptWriter |
This interface provides methods to add JavaScript in the current
response context.
UILabelRenderer |
Interface for displaying a record in a table or a foreign key constraint.
UILabelRendererContext |
Provides a context for displaying a record.
UILabelRendererForHierarchy |
Interface for presenting a hierarchy node inside a hierarchy tree.
UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext |
Provides a context for displaying a hierarchy node.
UIRenderer |
Provides a common interface for computing labels.
UIRequestContext | Deprecated
From 5.8.0, please use the new API
UICustomWidget instead. |
UIResourceLocator |
This interface defines methods to build URLs that change the entity in the current
navigation context and access various types of resources
(Web Component, Ajax component, static web resources).
UIResponseContext | Deprecated
From 5.8.0, please use the new API
UICustomWidget instead. |
UIServiceComponentWriter |
This interface allows building standard EBX® components, from a
ServiceContext . |
UISessionContext |
This interface provides methods for retrieving a user session
from a user interface component.
UITableFilterContext |
Common interface for contexts used by a
A UITableFilter request context
and response context are both
associated with a specific data model node and a session. |
UITableFilterRequestContext |
Encapsulates an HTTP request in order to set up a filter.
UITableFilterResponseContext |
Encapsulates an HTTP request in order to display a table filter.
Class | Description |
UIAjaxComponent |
Abstract class for implementing an Ajax component.
UIBeanEditor | Deprecated
From 5.8.0, please use the new API
UICustomWidget instead. |
UIBeanEditorV4 | Deprecated
To use only for backward compatibility of
UIBeanEditor implementations written
in versions 4.x. |
UIButtonIcon |
This class is used to set the icon of a button.
UIButtonLayout |
This class can be used to set the layout of a button.
UIButtonRelief |
This class provides different ways to display the relief of a button.
UIButtonSpec |
This abstract class provides the common features for different types of buttons.
UIButtonSpecJSAction |
Standard button to launch a JavaScript command.
UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle |
Standard toggle button that calls a JavaScript command for each change
of state.
UIButtonSpecNavigation |
This abstract class provides the common features for buttons that can redirect current user.
UIButtonSpecSubmit |
In the context of User services, specifies an HTML submit button.
UIButtonSpecURL |
Standard button to redirect user to a given URL.
UICSSClasses |
This class defines all CSS classes usable for User services, UI beans and
FormPane s. |
All the CSS classes used to display standard icons.
For basic tables (
<table> ,
<tr> , <th> and
<td> containing data). |
All the CSS classes used to display standard text styles.
UICSSUtils |
This class defines server-side CSS utilities.
UIFormLabelSpec |
Specifies a label to display and optional additional documentation,
accessible in a pop-up.
UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane |
Describes the content of a documentation pane.
UIFormRowIcon |
This class can be used to set a built-in icon at the beginning of a form row.
UIFormSpec |
In the context of User services, specifies the general features of an HTML form.
UIHttpManagerComponent |
This class is a utility for invoking
user interface components using the HTTP protocol.
UIHttpManagerComponent.CloseButtonSpec |
Defines the appearance of the close button.
UIHttpManagerComponent.DataSetFeatures |
Constants for features available in dataset.
UIHttpManagerComponent.RecordFeatures |
Constants for features available in record form.
UIHttpManagerComponent.Scope |
Defines the scope of the user navigation, namely, the parts of the user interface that are available to the user
during the session.
UIHttpManagerComponent.ViewFeatures |
Constants for features available in tables and hierarchies.
UIHttpManagerComponentHelper | |
UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode |
Represents the return code of a user interaction initiated by
UIHttpManagerComponent . |
UIRenderingMode |
Defines the rendering mode of the UI.
UITableCellStyleHandler |
This class is used to define table cell styles for a UI bean editor.
UITableCellStyleHandler.BackgroundRepeat | |
UITableFilter |
Abstract class for implementing a user interface filter on a table.
Enum | Description |
FirstCallDisplay |
Defines how to display a filtered table or record in a Web Component on first call.
Exception | Description |
ModuleNotFoundException |
Thrown to indicate that a specified module (web application)
has not been registered in the current environment.
This package provides the capability to create custom user interface components that are integrated within EBX®.