Interface BuiltinQueryParam

public interface BuiltinQueryParam
This interface specifies the HTTP built-in query parameters of the REST Toolkit.

All parameters names are prefixed by "ebx-".

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The query parameter "ebx-commitThreshold" specifies the maximum size of a transaction during the execution of a Procedure.
    static final String
    The query parameter "ebx-indent" specifies the indentation policy for JSON response body.
  • Field Details

    • INDENT

      static final String INDENT
      The query parameter "ebx-indent" specifies the indentation policy for JSON response body.

      It should be only used with JSON response media type.

      The value is considered true for string equal to "true" (case is ignored) and false otherwise. If true the JSON response data will be formatted with line feeds and indentation.

      The target Java method should not declare this parameter.

      See Also:

      static final String COMMIT_THRESHOLD
      The query parameter "ebx-commitThreshold" specifies the maximum size of a transaction during the execution of a Procedure.

      When this size is exceeded, an intermediate commit occurs.

      The definition of this parameter is especially meaningful when working on large query data volume or in stream mode (i.e. large data import).

      See Also: