Interface BeanFacetTableRef

All Superinterfaces:

public interface BeanFacetTableRef extends BeanFacet
This interface allows setting the properties of a foreign key facet.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setDisplayPattern

      void setDisplayPattern(String aPattern)

      Sets a custom display pattern for presenting the selected foreign key in the current record and the sorted list of possible keys.

      aPattern - the pattern to be used for the display.
    • setDisplayPattern

      void setDisplayPattern(UserMessage aPattern)

      Sets a custom display pattern for presenting the selected foreign key in the current record and the sorted list of possible keys.

      aPattern - the pattern to be used for the display.
    • setDisplay

      void setDisplay(Class<? extends TableRefDisplay> aDisplayClass)

      Sets a programmatic custom display for presenting the selected foreign key in the current record and the sorted list of possible keys.

      aDisplayClass - the display class. This class must implement the interface TableRefDisplay.
    • setFilterPredicate

      void setFilterPredicate(String aPredicate)

      Sets an XPath predicate filter.

      Default error message is used if the current value is not part of the list selected by the filter.

      aPredicate - the XPath predicate expression.
    • setFilterPredicate

      void setFilterPredicate(String aPredicate, String aMessage)

      Sets a XPath predicate filter.

      aPredicate - the XPath predicate expression.
      aMessage - the error message that is used if the current value is not part of the list selected by the filter.
    • setFilterPredicate

      void setFilterPredicate(String aPredicate, Severity aSeverity, String aMessage)

      Sets an XPath predicate filter.

      aPredicate - the XPath predicate expression.
      aSeverity - the severity of the message that is used if the current value is not part of the list selected by the filter.
      aMessage - the message that is used if the current value is not part of the list selected by the filter.
    • setFilterPredicate

      void setFilterPredicate(String aPredicate, UserMessage aValidationMessage)

      Sets an XPath predicate filter.

      aPredicate - the XPath predicate expression.
      aValidationMessage - the localized message and severity that is used if the current value is not part of the list selected by the filter.
    • setFilter

      void setFilter(Class<? extends TableRefFilter> aFilterClass)

      Sets a programmatic filter.

      aFilterClass - the filter class. This class must implement the interface TableRefFilter.
    • setTableView

      void setTableView(String aPublicationName)
      Sets the view to use when displaying the referenced table.
      aPublicationName - the publication name of the table view.