Interface AfterCreateOccurrenceContext

All Superinterfaces:
TableTriggerExecutionContext, TriggerExecutionContext

public interface AfterCreateOccurrenceContext extends TableTriggerExecutionContext
Provides a context for executing post-record creation operations.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAdaptationOccurrence

      Adaptation getAdaptationOccurrence()
      Returns the record that has been created.
    • getProcedureContext

      ProcedureContext getProcedureContext()
      Returns the current procedure context. This context provides the opportunity to perform additional updates in the current dataspace.
    • getDefinitionMode

      DefinitionMode getDefinitionMode()
      Returns the definition mode of the record that has been created.
    • isDuplicatingOccurrence

      boolean isDuplicatingOccurrence()
      Returns true if this post-record creation context is for a record duplication.

      In this case, the context returned by the method TableTriggerExecutionContext.getOccurrenceContext() is pre-populated with the values of the record being duplicated.