Interface BeforeCreateOccurrenceContext

All Superinterfaces:
TableTriggerExecutionContext, TriggerExecutionContext

public interface BeforeCreateOccurrenceContext extends TableTriggerExecutionContext
Provides a context for executing pre-record creation operations.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOccurrenceContextForUpdate

      ValueContextForUpdate getOccurrenceContextForUpdate()
      Returns the record context for performing the update.

      When a record is copied as-is from one table to another (see ProcedureContext.getContext(AdaptationName)), the default context is a read context. In this case, this method transforms it from a read context to an update context.

      See Also:
    • getDefinitionMode

      DefinitionMode getDefinitionMode()
      Returns the definition mode of the record to be created.
    • isDuplicatingOccurrence

      boolean isDuplicatingOccurrence()
      Returns true if the pre-record creation context is for a record duplication.

      In this case the context returned by the method TableTriggerExecutionContext.getOccurrenceContext() is pre-populated with the values of the record that is being duplicated.

    • isAllPrivileges

      boolean isAllPrivileges()
      See Also:
    • setAllPrivileges

      void setAllPrivileges()
      Disables all permission checks for all nodes during the current operation.

      Using this method is not recommended, because the scope of the granted privileges is very wide. It is instead recommended to use ValueContextForUpdate.setPrivilegeForNode(com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path), which allows to grant privilege to required nodes only.

      Privilege scope

      As soon as these privileges are granted by this method, permission check for the specified node will be skipped during the whole operation.

      For instance, given a user with read-only permission on the some updated nodes:

      • an import user service launched by this user could still set a value for these nodes.
      • a Procedure executed with this user session and with setAllPrivileges(false) could still set a value for these nodes.
      • a SOAP data service call with this user session could still set a value for these nodes.
      • any trigger with no privilege granted could still set a value for these nodes when multiple triggers are specified by the data model. Indeed, all triggers implied in the operation are affected by the privilege.

      The granted privilege will return to its previous state just after the insert operation and before the invocation of after create triggers.

      See Also: