Interface ValidationReport

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ValidationReport
A validation report is composed of validation items, each one characterized by a severity and a user message.

Message threshold property

A threshold property can be set at data model level so as to specify the maximum number of messages, for each constraint defined in the data model. This threshold must be declared under the element xs:schema/xs:annotation/xs:appinfo:


This threshold is taken into account for each constraint of a data model. When the threshold is reached by a constraint:

  • The validation of the constraint is stopped;
  • An error message indicating that the threshold has been reached is added to the validation report.

For more information, see Validation message threshold

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • hasItems

      boolean hasItems()
      Returns true if this report has validation items.
    • hasConstraintsWithTooManyMessages

      boolean hasConstraintsWithTooManyMessages()
      Returns true if the threshold specified in the EBX® main configuration file has been reached by at least one constraint.

      For more information, see Validation message threshold

      See Also:
    • hasItemsOfSeverity

      boolean hasItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
      Returns true if this report has validation items of the specified severity.
    • countItemsOfSeverity

      int countItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
      Returns the number of validation items of the specified severity.
    • hasItemsOfSeverityOrMore

      boolean hasItemsOfSeverityOrMore(Severity aSeverity)
      Returns true if this report has validation items of the specified severity or higher (more severe).
      See Also:
    • hasTooManyItemsOfSeverity

      @Deprecated boolean hasTooManyItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
      Since 6.0
      Returns false.
      See Also:
    • hasTooManyItemsOfConstraint

      boolean hasTooManyItemsOfConstraint(SchemaFacet aFacet)
      Returns true if the message threshold has been reached by the specified constraint.
      See Also:
    • getItemsOfSeverity

      ValidationReportItemIterator getItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
      Returns the validation items of the specified severity.

      The iterator has to be closed to free the acquired resources. It can only be accessed as long as the dataspace is open. See ValidationReportItemIterator.

    • getItemsOfSeverityOrMore

      ValidationReportItemIterator getItemsOfSeverityOrMore(Severity aSeverity)
      Returns the validation items of the specified severity and higher (more severe).

      The iterator has to be closed to free the acquired resources. It can only be accessed as long as the dataspace is open. See ValidationReportItemIterator.

      See Also:
    • getTooManyMessagesItems

      ValidationReportItemIterator getTooManyMessagesItems()
      Returns the validation items that contain the information about the constraints that have reached the validation message threshold.

      The iterator has to be closed to free the acquired resources. It can only be accessed as long as the dataspace is open. See ValidationReportItemIterator.

      See Also:
    • hasSkippedValidation

      boolean hasSkippedValidation()
      Returns true if this validation report is empty because the validation of the dataset, table or record didn't wait for the end of a concurrent validation.
      See Also: