Interface DifferenceBetweenHomes

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DifferenceBetweenHomes extends Difference
Main class for comparing dataspaces and snapshots.
  • Method Details

    • getHomeOnLeft

      AdaptationHome getHomeOnLeft()
      The dataspace or snapshot on the left of the comparison.
    • getHomeOnRight

      AdaptationHome getHomeOnRight()
      The dataspace or snapshot on the right of the comparison.
    • getDeltaInstance

      DifferenceBetweenInstances getDeltaInstance(AdaptationName instanceName)
      For values, returns the differences of the dataset, null if there are no differences or if dataset only exists on the left or on the right.
    • getDeltaInstances

      List<DifferenceBetweenInstances> getDeltaInstances()
      Returns the list of delta datasets for values.
      a List of DifferenceBetweenInstances.
    • getDeltaInstancesSize

      int getDeltaInstancesSize()
      Returns the total number of delta datasets for values.
    • getExtraInstancesOnLeft

      List<ExtraInstanceOnLeft> getExtraInstancesOnLeft()
      Returns the extra datasets on the left.
      See Also:
    • getExtraInstanceOnLeft

      ExtraInstanceOnLeft getExtraInstanceOnLeft(AdaptationName adaptationName)
      Returns the specified extra dataset on the left, null if there is not such dataset.
    • getExtraInstancesOnLeftSize

      int getExtraInstancesOnLeftSize()
      Returns the total number of extra datasets on the left.
    • getExtraInstancesOnRight

      List<ExtraInstanceOnRight> getExtraInstancesOnRight()
      Returns the extra datasets on the right.
      See Also:
    • getExtraInstanceOnRight

      ExtraInstanceOnRight getExtraInstanceOnRight(AdaptationName adaptationName)
      Returns the specified extra dataset on the right, null if there no such dataset.
    • getExtraInstancesOnRightSize

      int getExtraInstancesOnRightSize()
      Returns the total number of extra datasets on the right.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: Difference
      Returns true if there are no differences.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Difference