Interface AdaptationTreeOptimizerIterator

public interface AdaptationTreeOptimizerIterator
Iterator for optimization.
  • Method Details

    • hasNext

      boolean hasNext()
      Returns true if there are still datasets to optimize, false otherwise.
    • currentAdaptation

      Adaptation currentAdaptation()
      Returns the current dataset, which will be optimized on the next call to executeCurrent().
    • nextAdaptation

      Adaptation nextAdaptation()
      Returns the next dataset, which will become the current one after the next call to executeCurrent().
    • executeAll

      void executeAll() throws OperationException
      Optimizes all remaining datasets in the iterator.
    • executeCurrent

      Adaptation executeCurrent() throws OperationException
      Optimizes current dataset and sets the cursor to the next one. Returns the optimized dataset, or null if there are no more to optimize.
    • isForRefactor

      boolean isForRefactor()
      Returns true if the optimizer is refactoring the dataset tree
    • isForHandleDuplicates

      boolean isForHandleDuplicates()
      Returns true if the optimizer is handling duplicates in the dataset tree.