Class UICSSClasses.ICONS

Enclosing class:

public static final class UICSSClasses.ICONS extends Object
All the CSS classes used to display standard icons.

To display an icon, add one of these CSS classes to a HTML element. The icon will be displayed once, in the top left of the element. Its size is 16x16 pixels.

The element will also have the minimum height and left-padding to ensure correct display of the icon. A text can be included in the element. This works particularly well with <p> elements.

To set a different placement for the icon, the attribute style="background-position: x y;" can be added to the element.

x can be:
  • left
  • center
  • right
  • a percentage (for example 20%)
  • pixels (for example 5px)
y can be:
  • top
  • center
  • bottom
  • a percentage (for example 20%)
  • pixels (for example 5px)