Interface PerspectiveTheme

public interface PerspectiveTheme
Interface that represents a perspective theme.

The values returned by all methods are resolved according to the related color and to the theme definition of the parent perspective.
  • Method Details

    • getWebSiteIconURL

      String getWebSiteIconURL()
      Returns the URL of the defined custom favicon. Returns null if no icon has been set up.
    • getLogoURL

      String getLogoURL()
      Returns the URL of the specified SVG image. Returns null if no logo has been set up.
    • getMainColor

      String getMainColor()
      Returns the Hex color code of the user interface main color used for selections and highlights.
    • getMainTextIconColor

      String getMainTextIconColor()
      Returns the text and icons Hex color code of the user interface main theme.
    • getHeaderColor

      String getHeaderColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the user interface header.
    • getHeaderTextColor

      String getHeaderTextColor()
      Returns the text Hex color code of the user interface header.
    • getSecondHeaderColor

      String getSecondHeaderColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the workspace top header.
    • getSecondHeaderTextColor

      String getSecondHeaderTextColor()
      Returns the text Hex color code of the workspace top header.
    • getFocusColor

      String getFocusColor()
      Returns the outline Hex color code of clickable elements.
    • getWorkflowBadgeColor

      String getWorkflowBadgeColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of new workflow task counters.
    • getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateComplete

      String getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateComplete()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the state 'complete' in the workflow history view.
    • getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateInProgress

      String getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateInProgress()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the state 'in progress' in the workflow history view.
    • getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateError

      String getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStateError()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the state 'error' in the workflow history view.
    • getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStatePending

      String getWorkflowProcessInstanceHistoryStatePending()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the state 'pending' in the workflow history view.
    • getButtonsBorderColor

      String getButtonsBorderColor()
      Returns the border Hex color code of buttons.
    • getButtonsHighlightColor

      String getButtonsHighlightColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of buttons selected by default.
    • getButtonsLinkStyleTextColor

      String getButtonsLinkStyleTextColor()
      Returns the text Hex color code of buttons having a link style.
    • getTabsSelectedBorderColor

      String getTabsSelectedBorderColor()
      Returns the border Hex color code of selected tabs.
    • getTableHeaderBackgroundColor

      String getTableHeaderBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of table headers.
    • getTableOddBackgroundColor

      String getTableOddBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the odd rows of the table.
    • getTableOddSelectedBackgroundColor

      String getTableOddSelectedBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the selected odd rows of the table.
    • getTableEvenBackgroundColor

      String getTableEvenBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the even rows of the table.
    • getTableEvenSelectedBackgroundColor

      String getTableEvenSelectedBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code of the selected even rows of the table.
    • getTableHeaderTopBorderColor

      String getTableHeaderTopBorderColor()
      Returns the top border Hex color code of association tables displayed inline in a form. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableHeaderBottomBorderColor

      String getTableHeaderBottomBorderColor()
      Returns the bottom border Hex color code of table headers. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableHeaderSideBordersColor

      String getTableHeaderSideBordersColor()
      Returns the side borders Hex color code of association tables displayed inline in a form. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableHeaderInnerBordersColor

      String getTableHeaderInnerBordersColor()
      Returns the inner borders Hex color code of table headers. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableBodyOuterBorderColor

      String getTableBodyOuterBorderColor()
      Returns the outer borders Hex color code of table bodies. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableBodyInnerHorizontalBordersColor

      String getTableBodyInnerHorizontalBordersColor()
      Returns the horizontal inner borders Hex color code of table bodies. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableBodyInnerVerticalBordersColor

      String getTableBodyInnerVerticalBordersColor()
      Returns the vertical inner borders Hex color code of table bodies. Returns "transparent" if not defined.
    • getTableScrollBordersColor

      String getTableScrollBordersColor()
      Returns the side borders Hex color code of association tables displayed inline in a form when the the scroll bars appears.
    • getPerspectiveNavigationPaneSelectionColor

      String getPerspectiveNavigationPaneSelectionColor()
      Returns the background Hex color code used for selected menu items in the perspective navigation pane.
    • getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundTechnical

      String getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundTechnical()
      Returns the background Hex color code of technical data cells in the table history view.
    • getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundCreation

      String getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundCreation()
      Returns the background Hex color code of cells with the state 'creation' in the table history view.
    • getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundDeletion

      String getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundDeletion()
      Returns the background Hex color code of cells with the state 'deletion' in the table history view.
    • getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundUpdate

      String getTableHistoryViewCellBackgroundUpdate()
      Returns the background Hex color code of cells with the state 'update' in the table history view.
    • getFormInputsWidth

      int getFormInputsWidth()
      Returns the width in pixels of input fields in forms.
    • getFormLabelsMaxWidth

      int getFormLabelsMaxWidth()
      Returns the maximum width in pixels of labels in forms.
    • getFormTextAreasHeight

      int getFormTextAreasHeight()
      Returns the height in pixels of text entry fields in forms.
    • getFormHTMLEditorsWidth

      int getFormHTMLEditorsWidth()
      Returns the width in pixels of HTML editors in forms.
    • getFormHTMLEditorsHeight

      int getFormHTMLEditorsHeight()
      Returns the height in pixels of HTML editors in forms.
    • getDensity

      DisplayDensity getDensity()
      Returns the default density defined by the perspective.
      • This default density is inherited from the density set in the advanced perspective.
      • It is overridden by the density set up by the user in his profile.
      See Also: