Interface ToolbarMenuGroup

public interface ToolbarMenuGroup
Allows to define a group menu item.

A group can either:

  • define all its items one by one
  • automatically generate its items from a group key

These options are exclusive.

  • Method Details

    • addSubMenu

      ToolbarSubMenuItem addSubMenu(UserMessage aLabel)
      Creates a new instance of a sub-menu and adds it directly to this group.
      this new instance so that it can be modified.
    • addSubMenu

      ToolbarSubMenuItem addSubMenu(String aLabel)
      Creates a new instance of a sub-menu and adds it directly to this group.
      this new instance so that it can be modified.
    • addActionItem

      ToolbarActionMenuItem addActionItem()
      Adds a new action item to the given group with the specified label.
    • addActionItem

      ToolbarActionMenuItem addActionItem(UserMessage actionLabel)
      Adds a new action item to the given group with the specified label.
    • addActionItem

      ToolbarActionMenuItem addActionItem(String actionLabel)
      Adds a new action item to the given group with the specified label.
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(UserMessage aDescription)
      Sets the description of this menu item.
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String aDescription)
      Sets the description of this menu item.