Class PublicationSpec


public final class PublicationSpec extends Object
Specifications for publishing a single workflow.

The PublicationSpec class encapsulates all the details required for publishing a workflow. It includes the workflow model identifier, a unique name for the publication, and the mode in which the publication is to be made (either NEW or UPDATE). The class also maintains a set of dependencies, which are essentially the sub-workflows that the main workflow depends on.

This class provides methods to validate the publication details and to collect its dependencies. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the WorkflowRepository class for various workflow operations.

  • Constructor Details

    • PublicationSpec

      public PublicationSpec(AdaptationName adaptationName, String publicationName, PublicationSpec.PublicationMode publicationMode)
      adaptationName - the workflow model identifier.
      publicationName - name to use for the publication. This name must be unique for a new publication.
      publicationMode - the publication mode.
  • Method Details

    • getAdaptationName

      public AdaptationName getAdaptationName()
      Retrieves the identifier of the workflow model associated with this publication.

      This method returns an AdaptationName object that serves as the unique identifier for the workflow model that this publication is based on. This identifier is crucial for distinguishing which workflow models is used.

      An AdaptationName object representing the unique identifier of the workflow model for this publication.
    • getPublicationName

      public String getPublicationName()
      Retrieves the name of the publication.

      This method returns the name assigned to this publication, which serves as a unique identifier of a publication.

      A String representing the unique name of this publication.
    • getPublicationMode

      public PublicationSpec.PublicationMode getPublicationMode()
      Returns the publication mode.
    • getDependencies

      public Set<String> getDependencies()
      Retrieves the set of sub-workflows that this publication depends on.

      This method returns a set containing the names of all sub-workflows that this publication relies on. These sub-workflows are considered as dependencies for the main workflow represented by this publication.

      A Set of Strings representing the names of the sub-workflows that this publication depends on.