Interface UserTaskResult

public interface UserTaskResult
Represents a user task result. It describes how work items have been executed and their result.
  • Method Details

    • acceptedWorkItems

      int acceptedWorkItems()
      Returns count of accepted work items. When the user task is in default mode (single work item), this method returns either 1 if the associated work item is accepted, else 0.

      For the default single work item mode, it is recommended to use instead isAccepted().

    • rejectedWorkItems

      int rejectedWorkItems()
      Returns count of rejected work items. When the user task is in default mode (single work item), this method returns 1 if the associated work item is rejected, else 0.

      For the default single work item mode, it is recommended to use instead isAccepted().

    • startedWorkItems

      int startedWorkItems()
      Returns count of started work items. When the user task is in default mode (single work item), this method always returns 0 (the single work item is accepted or rejected when the user task is complete).
    • countWorkItems

      int countWorkItems()
      Returns count of work items. When the user task is in default mode (single work item), this method returns 0 or 1. It returns 0 only if no work item has been found.
    • getWorkItems

      List<UserTask.WorkItem> getWorkItems()
      Returns work items list: UserTask.WorkItem. When the user task is in default mode (single work item), this method returns a list with the single associated work item.

      For the default single work item mode, it is recommended to use instead {#getWorkItem().

    • getWorkItem

      UserTask.WorkItem getWorkItem()
      Returns the associated work item.
      IllegalStateException - if several work items have been found.
    • isAccepted

      boolean isAccepted()
      Returns true if the work item is accepted. When the user task is in legacy mode (multi work items), returns true if all work items are accepted.