eftl.h File Reference

This file defines the eFTL API. More...

Data Structures

struct  tibeftlOptions
 eFTL options. More...


 Message field name identifying the destination of a message. More...
#define tibeftlOptionsDefault   { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 10000 }
Error Codes

Error codes returned by eFTL.

#define TIBEFTL_ERR_OK   (0)
 No error has been reported. More...
 Invalid argument. More...
 Memory allocation failed. More...
 Request timeout. More...
 Item not found. More...
 Item of wrong type. More...
 Not connected. More...
 Connection lost. More...
 Connect failed. More...
 Publish failed. More...
 Publish failed, not authorized. More...
 Subscription failed, not authorized. More...
 Subscription failed. More...
 Subscription failed, invalid matcher or durable. More...
#define TIBEFTL_ERR_GOING_AWAY   (1001)
 Server is shutting down. More...
 Published message is too big. More...
#define TIBEFTL_ERR_FORCE_CLOSE   (4000)
 Server closed the connection. More...
 Server is temporarily unavailable. More...
 Authentication failed. More...


typedef struct tibeftlConnectionStruct * tibeftlConnection
 eFTL connection. More...
typedef struct tibeftlErrStruct * tibeftlErr
 eFTL error. More...
typedef void(* tibeftlErrorCallback) (tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlErr err, void *arg)
 Connection error callback. More...
typedef struct tibeftlMessageStruct * tibeftlMessage
 eFTL message. More...
typedef void(* tibeftlMessageCallback) (tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlSubscription sub, int cnt, tibeftlMessage *msg, void *arg)
 Message callback. More...
typedef struct tibeftlSubscriptionStruct * tibeftlSubscription
 eFTL subscription. More...


enum  tibeftlFieldType {
 eFTL message field types. More...


DLL_EXPORT tibeftlConnection tibeftl_Connect (tibeftlErr err, const char *url, tibeftlOptions *opts, tibeftlErrorCallback errCb, void *errCbArg)
 Connect to the server. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Disconnect (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn)
 Disconnect from the server and free all resources associated with the connection. More...
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftl_IsConnected (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn)
 Check whether or not there is a connection to the server. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Publish (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlMessage msg)
 Publish a message to all subscribing clients. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Reconnect (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn)
 Reconnect to the server. More...
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlSubscription tibeftl_Subscribe (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn, const char *matcher, const char *durable, tibeftlMessageCallback msgCb, void *msgCbArg)
 Subscribe to messages. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Unsubscribe (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlSubscription sub)
 Unsubscribe from messages and free all resources associated with the subscription. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_UnsubscribeAll (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlConnection conn)
 Unsubscribe from all messages and free all resources associated with all subscriptions. More...
DLL_EXPORT const char * tibeftl_Version (void)
 Version string of the eFTL library. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Clear (tibeftlErr err)
 Clear an error. More...
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlErr tibeftlErr_Create (void)
 Create an error object. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Destroy (tibeftlErr err)
 Destroy an error object. More...
DLL_EXPORT int tibeftlErr_GetCode (tibeftlErr err)
 Get the error code. More...
DLL_EXPORT const char * tibeftlErr_GetDescription (tibeftlErr err)
 Get the error description. More...
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlErr_IsSet (tibeftlErr err)
 Check if an error has been set. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Set (tibeftlErr err, int code, const char *desc)
 Set an error. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_ClearAllFields (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg)
 Clear all fields from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_ClearField (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Clear a field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlMessage tibeftlMessage_Create (tibeftlErr err)
 Create a message object. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_Destroy (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg)
 Destroy a message object. More...
DLL_EXPORT void * tibeftlMessage_GetArray (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, tibeftlFieldType type, const char *field, int *size)
 Get an array field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT double tibeftlMessage_GetDouble (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get a double field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlFieldType tibeftlMessage_GetFieldType (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get the type of a field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT int64_t tibeftlMessage_GetLong (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get a long field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlMessage tibeftlMessage_GetMessage (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get a message field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void * tibeftlMessage_GetOpaque (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, size_t *size)
 Get an opaque field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT const char * tibeftlMessage_GetString (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get a string field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT int64_t tibeftlMessage_GetTime (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Get a time field from a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlMessage_IsFieldSet (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field)
 Check whether a field is set in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlMessage_NextField (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char **field, tibeftlFieldType *type)
 Get the next field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetArray (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, tibeftlFieldType type, const char *field, const void *const value, int size)
 Set an array field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetDouble (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, double value)
 Set a double field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetLong (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, int64_t value)
 Set a long field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetMessage (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, tibeftlMessage value)
 Set a message field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetOpaque (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, void *value, size_t size)
 Set an opaque field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetString (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, const char *value)
 Set a string field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetTime (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, const char *field, int64_t value)
 Set a time field in a message. More...
DLL_EXPORT size_t tibeftlMessage_ToString (tibeftlErr err, tibeftlMessage msg, char *buffer, size_t size)
 Get a printable string that describes the contents of a message. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines the eFTL API.

Macro Definition Documentation


Authentication failed.


Connect failed.


Connection lost.

#define TIBEFTL_ERR_FORCE_CLOSE   (4000)

Server closed the connection.

#define TIBEFTL_ERR_GOING_AWAY   (1001)

Server is shutting down.


Invalid argument.


Item of wrong type.


Published message is too big.


Memory allocation failed.


Not connected.


Item not found.

#define TIBEFTL_ERR_OK   (0)

No error has been reported.


Publish failed.


Publish failed, not authorized.


Subscription failed.


Subscription failed, invalid matcher or durable.


Subscription failed, not authorized.


Request timeout.


Server is temporarily unavailable.


Message field name identifying the destination of a message.

To publish a message on a specific destination include this message field using tibeftlMessage_SetString().

To subscribe to messages published on a specific destination, use a subscription matcher that includes this message field name in tibeftl_Subscribe().

#define tibeftlOptionsDefault   { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 10000 }

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct tibeftlConnectionStruct* tibeftlConnection

eFTL connection.

A tibeftlConnection object represents the connection to the server.

typedef struct tibeftlErrStruct* tibeftlErr

eFTL error.

A tibeftlErr object is passed to function calls to capture information about failures.

typedef void(* tibeftlErrorCallback) (tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlErr err, void *arg)

Connection error callback.

A connection error callback is invoked whenever an error occurs on the connection. When the connection to the server is lost, tibeftl_Reconnect() can be called from within this callback to attempt a reconnect to the server.

connThe connection on which the error occurred.
errThe connection error.
argThe callback-specific argument.
See also
typedef struct tibeftlMessageStruct* tibeftlMessage

eFTL message.

A tibeftlMessage object is used to send information between clients.

typedef void(* tibeftlMessageCallback) (tibeftlConnection conn, tibeftlSubscription sub, int cnt, tibeftlMessage *msg, void *arg)

Message callback.

A message callback is invoked whenever messages are received that matche a subscription.

connThe connection on which the message was received.
subThe subscription associated with the message.
cntThe number of received messages.
msgThe array of received messages.
argThe callback-specific argument.
See also
typedef struct tibeftlSubscriptionStruct* tibeftlSubscription

eFTL subscription.

A tibeftlSubscription object represents an interest in receiving messages with particular content.

Enumeration Type Documentation

eFTL message field types.


Function Documentation

DLL_EXPORT tibeftlConnection tibeftl_Connect ( tibeftlErr  err,
const char *  url,
tibeftlOptions opts,
tibeftlErrorCallback  errCb,
void *  errCbArg 

Connect to the server.

Creates a connection to the server.

The server URL has the syntax:

ws://host:port/channel wss://host:port/channel

Optionally, the URL can contain the username, password, and/or client identifier:

ws://username:password:port/channel?clientId=<identifier> wss://username:password:port/channel?clientId=<identifier>

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
urlThe URL of the server.
opts(optional) The options to use when creating the connection.
errCb(optional) The error callback to be invoked when connection errors occur.
errCbArg(optional) The error callback argument.
The connection object.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Disconnect ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn 

Disconnect from the server and free all resources associated with the connection.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftl_IsConnected ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn 

Check whether or not there is a connection to the server.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
true if there is a connection to the server, false otherwise.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Publish ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn,
tibeftlMessage  msg 

Publish a message to all subscribing clients.

It is good practice to direct messages to specific destinations by adding a message string field with the name TIBEFTL_FIELD_NAME_DESTINATION.; for example:

1 tibeftlMessage_SetString(err, msg, TIBEFTL_FIELD_NAME_DESTINATION, "MyDest");
errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
msgThe message to publish.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Reconnect ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn 

Reconnect to the server.

Can be called from within the tibeftlErrorCallback.

All subscriptions are restored following a successful reconnect.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlSubscription tibeftl_Subscribe ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn,
const char *  matcher,
const char *  durable,
tibeftlMessageCallback  msgCb,
void *  msgCbArg 

Subscribe to messages.

A subscription can be narrowed by using a matcher that matches only those messages whose content is of interest.

It is good practice to subscribe to messages published to specific destinations by using the message field name TIBEFTL_FIELD_NAME_DESTINATION in the matcher; for example:

1 char matcher[64];
3 snprintf(matcher, sizeof(matcher), "{\"%s\":\"%s\"}",
6 tibeftl_Subscribe(err, conn, matcher, "MyDurable", cb, NULL);
errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
matcher(optional) The matcher for selecting which messages to receive.
durable(optional) The name to use when creating durable subscriptions.
msgCbThe message callback to be invoked when messages are received.
msgCbArgThe message callback argument.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_Unsubscribe ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn,
tibeftlSubscription  sub 

Unsubscribe from messages and free all resources associated with the subscription.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
subThe subscription from which to unsubscribe.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftl_UnsubscribeAll ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlConnection  conn 

Unsubscribe from all messages and free all resources associated with all subscriptions.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
connThe connection object.
DLL_EXPORT const char* tibeftl_Version ( void  )

Version string of the eFTL library.

The version string of the eFTL library.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Clear ( tibeftlErr  err)

Clear an error.

errThe error object.
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlErr tibeftlErr_Create ( void  )

Create an error object.

The error object.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Destroy ( tibeftlErr  err)

Destroy an error object.

errThe error object.
DLL_EXPORT int tibeftlErr_GetCode ( tibeftlErr  err)

Get the error code.

errThe error object.
The error code.
DLL_EXPORT const char* tibeftlErr_GetDescription ( tibeftlErr  err)

Get the error description.

errThe error object.
The error description.
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlErr_IsSet ( tibeftlErr  err)

Check if an error has been set.

errThe error object.
true if the error is set, false otherwise.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlErr_Set ( tibeftlErr  err,
int  code,
const char *  desc 

Set an error.

errThe error object.
codeThe error code.
descThe error description.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_ClearAllFields ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg 

Clear all fields from a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_ClearField ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Clear a field from a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to clear.
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlMessage tibeftlMessage_Create ( tibeftlErr  err)

Create a message object.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
The message object.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_Destroy ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg 

Destroy a message object.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
DLL_EXPORT void* tibeftlMessage_GetArray ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
tibeftlFieldType  type,
const char *  field,
int *  size 

Get an array field from a message.

The returned array is valid only for the lifetime of the message. The returned array must not be modified or freed.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
typeThe field type to get.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
sizeThe number of elements in the array.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT double tibeftlMessage_GetDouble ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get a double field from a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlFieldType tibeftlMessage_GetFieldType ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get the type of a field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe field name.
The type of the field.
DLL_EXPORT int64_t tibeftlMessage_GetLong ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get a long field from a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT tibeftlMessage tibeftlMessage_GetMessage ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get a message field from a message.

The returned message is valid only for the lifetime of the message. The returned message must not be modified or freed.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT void* tibeftlMessage_GetOpaque ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
size_t *  size 

Get an opaque field from a message.

The returned opaque is valid only for the lifetime of the message. The returned opaque must not be modified or freed.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
sizeThe size of the field in bytes.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT const char* tibeftlMessage_GetString ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get a string field from a message.

The returned string is valid only for the lifetime of the message. The returned string must not be modified or freed.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT int64_t tibeftlMessage_GetTime ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Get a time field from a message.

Time is the number of milliseconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to get.
The value of the field.
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlMessage_IsFieldSet ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field 

Check whether a field is set in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe field name.
true if the field is set, false otherwise.
DLL_EXPORT bool tibeftlMessage_NextField ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char **  field,
tibeftlFieldType type 

Get the next field in a message.

Calling this function repeatedly will iterate over all of the fields in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the next field.
typeThe type of the next field.
true if there are additional fields, false if the current field is the last field.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetArray ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
tibeftlFieldType  type,
const char *  field,
const void *const  value,
int  size 

Set an array field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
typeThe type of the field to set.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
sizeThe number of elements in the array.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetDouble ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
double  value 

Set a double field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetLong ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
int64_t  value 

Set a long field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetMessage ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
tibeftlMessage  value 

Set a message field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetOpaque ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
void *  value,
size_t  size 

Set an opaque field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
sizeThe size of the field to set in bytes.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetString ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
const char *  value 

Set a string field in a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
DLL_EXPORT void tibeftlMessage_SetTime ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
const char *  field,
int64_t  value 

Set a time field in a message.

Time is the number of milliseconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
fieldThe name of the field to set.
valueThe value of the field to set.
DLL_EXPORT size_t tibeftlMessage_ToString ( tibeftlErr  err,
tibeftlMessage  msg,
char *  buffer,
size_t  size 

Get a printable string that describes the contents of a message.

errAn eFTL error to capture information about failures.
msgThe message object.
buffer(optional) The buffer into which the printable string is stored.
sizeThe size of the buffer in bytes.
The actual length of the printable string, including the terminating NULL character, in bytes.