Running an eFTL Server

Complete these steps to start a TIBCO eFTL server.


You have configured an eFTL cluster using the TIBCO FTL realm server GUI.


  1. Add TIBCO FTL libraries to the library path.
    Platform Description
    Linux Ensure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes TIBCO_HOME/ftl/version/lib.
    Mac Ensure that DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH includes TIBCO_HOME/ftl/version/lib.
    Windows Ensure that PATH includes TIBCO_HOME\ftl\version\bin.
  2. Optional. Add TIBCO Enterprise Message Service libraries to the library path.
    If you configure EMS channels in the TIBCO eFTL server, you must complete this step.
    Platform Description
    Linux Ensure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes both TIBCO_HOME/ems/version/lib and TIBCO_HOME/ems/version/lib/64.
    Mac Ensure that DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH includes both TIBCO_HOME/ems/version/lib and TIBCO_HOME/ems/version/lib/64.
    Windows Ensure that PATH includes TIBCO_HOME\ems\version\bin.
  3. Start the server using its executable file.
    Platform Description
    TIBCO_HOME/eftl/version/bin/tibeftlserver command_line_args
    TIBCO_HOME/eftl/version/bin/tibeftlserver command_line_args
    TIBCO_HOME\eftl\version\bin\tibeftlserver.exe command_line_args