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eFTLMessage Class Reference

Message objects contain typed fields that map names to values. More...

Inheritance diagram for eFTLMessage:

Public Types

enum  eFTLFieldType
 Message field types. More...

Instance Methods

(NSArray *) - getDateArrayField:
 Get the value of a date array field from a message. More...
(NSDate *) - getDateField:
 Get the value of a date field from a message. More...
(NSArray *) - getDoubleArrayField:
 Get the value of a double array field from a message. More...
(NSNumber *) - getDoubleField:
 Get the value of a double field from a message. More...
(NSArray *) - getFieldNames
 Get the names of all fields present in a message. More...
(eFTLFieldType- getFieldType:
 Get the type of a message field. More...
(NSArray *) - getLongArrayField:
 Get the value of a long array field from a message. More...
(NSNumber *) - getLongField:
 Get the value of a long field from a message. More...
(NSArray *) - getMessageArrayField:
 Get the value of a message array field from a message. More...
(eFTLMessage *) - getMessageField:
 Get the value of a sub-message field from a message. More...
(NSData *) - getOpaqueField:
 Get the value of an opaque field from a message. More...
(NSArray *) - getStringArrayField:
 Get the value of a string array field from a message. More...
(NSString *) - getStringField:
 Get the value of a string field from a message. More...
(BOOL) - isFieldSet:
 Determine whether a field is present in the message. More...
(void) - setField:asDate:
 Set a date field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asDateArray:
 Set a date array field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asDouble:
 Set a double field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asDoubleArray:
 Set a double array field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asLong:
 Set a long field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asLongArray:
 Set a long array field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asMessage:
 Set a sub-message field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asMessageArray:
 Set a message array field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asOpaque:
 Set an opaque field in a message. More...
(void) - setField:asString:
 Set a string field in the message. More...
(void) - setField:asStringArray:
 Set a string array field in a message. More...

Class Methods

(eFTLMessage *) + message
 Create an eFTLMessage. More...

Public Attributes

NSString *const eFTLFieldNameDestination
 Message field name identifying the destination on which messages are published. More...

Detailed Description

Message objects contain typed fields that map names to values.

Member Enumeration Documentation

- (enum) eFTLFieldType

Message field types.

Enumerates the legal types for eFTL message fields.

Method Documentation

- (NSArray *) getDateArrayField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a date array field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeDateArray; nil otherwise.
- (NSDate *) getDateField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a date field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeDate; nil otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getDoubleArrayField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a double array field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeDoubleArray; nil otherwise.
- (NSNumber *) getDoubleField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a double field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeDouble; nil otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getFieldNames

Get the names of all fields present in a message.

An array of field names.
- (eFTLFieldType) getFieldType: (NSString *)  name

Get the type of a message field.

nameThe name of the field.
The type of the field, if present; nil otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getLongArrayField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a long array field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeLongArray; nil otherwise.
- (NSNumber *) getLongField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a long field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeLong; nil otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getMessageArrayField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a message array field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeMessageArray; nil otherwise.
- (eFTLMessage *) getMessageField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a sub-message field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeMessage; nil otherwise.
- (NSData *) getOpaqueField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of an opaque field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeOpaque; nil otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getStringArrayField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a string array field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeStringArray; nil otherwise.
- (NSString *) getStringField: (NSString *)  name

Get the value of a string field from a message.

nameGet this field.
The value of the field, if the field is present and has type eFTLFieldTypeString; nil otherwise.
- (BOOL) isFieldSet: (NSString *)  name

Determine whether a field is present in the message.

nameThe method checks for this field.
YES if the field is present; NO otherwise.
+ (eFTLMessage *) message

Create an eFTLMessage.

A new eFTLMessage.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asDate: (NSDate *)  date 

Set a date field in a message.

nameThe call sets this field.
dateThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asDateArray: (NSArray *)  dateArray 

Set a date array field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the array, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original array.

nameThe call sets this field.
dateArrayThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asDouble: (NSNumber *)  number 

Set a double field in a message.

nameThe call sets this field.
numberThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asDoubleArray: (NSArray *)  numberArray 

Set a double array field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the array, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original array.

nameThe call sets this field.
numberArrayThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asLong: (NSNumber *)  number 

Set a long field in a message.

nameThe call sets this field.
numberThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asLongArray: (NSArray *)  numberArray 

Set a long array field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the array, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original array.

nameThe call sets this field.
numberArrayThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asMessage: (eFTLMessage *)  message 

Set a sub-message field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the sub-message, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original sub-message and its contents.

nameThe call sets this field.
messageThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asMessageArray: (NSArray *)  messageArray 

Set a message array field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the array and messages, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original array and its contents.

nameThe call sets this field.
messageArrayThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asOpaque: (NSData *)  data 

Set an opaque field in a message.

nameThe call sets this field.
dataThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asString: (NSString *)  string 

Set a string field in the message.

nameThe call sets this field.
stringThe call sets this value. To remove the field, supply nil.
- (void) setField: (NSString *)  name
asStringArray: (NSArray *)  stringArray 

Set a string array field in a message.

This method makes an independent copy of the array and strings, and adds the copy to the message. After this method returns you can safely modify the original array and its contents.

nameThe call sets this field.
stringArrayThe call sets this value. (Null is not a legal value within this array.) To remove the field, supply nil.

Member Data Documentation

- (NSString* const) eFTLFieldNameDestination

Message field name identifying the destination on which messages are published.

To publish a message on a specific destination include this message field using setField:asString:.

To subscribe to messages published on a specific destination use a matcher that includes this message field name.

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