Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
  oCAcknowledgeModeAcknowledgment modes.
  oCCompletionListenerConstantsCompletion errors.
  oCConnectionListenerConstantsConnection errors.
  oCDurableTypeDurable subscription types.
  oCEFTLPrograms use class EFTL to connect to an eFTL server.
  oCICompletionListenerCompletion event handler
  oCIConnectionA connection object represents a program's connection to an eFTL server.
  oCIConnectionListenerConnection event handler
  oCIKVMapA key-value map object represents a program's connection to an FTL map.
  oCIKVMapListenerKey-value map event handler
  oCIMessageMessage objects contain typed fields that map names to values.
  oCIRequestListenerRequest event handler
  oCISubscriptionListenerSubscription event handler.
  oCKVMapListenerConstantsKVMap errors.
  oCMessageConstantsMessage constants.
  oCRequestListenerConstantsRequest errors.
  \CSubscriptionConstantsSubscription errors.