Namespace: eFTL


The eFTL library exports a single object called eFTL to the JavaScript root context. Programs use the eFTL object to connect to an eFTL server.


connect(url, options)

Connect to an eFTL server.

This call returns immediately; connecting continues asynchronously. When the connection is ready to use, the eFTL library calls your onConnect callback, passing an eFTLConnection object that you can use to publish and subscribe.

When a pipe-separated list of URLs is specified this call will attempt a connection to each in turn, in a random order, until one is connected.

A program that uses more than one server channel must connect separately to each channel.

Name Type Description
url string The call connects to the eFTL server at this URL. This can be a single URL, or a pipe ('|') separated list of URLs. URLs can be in either of these forms:
  • ws://host:port/channel
  • wss://host:port/channel
Optionally, URLs can contain the username, password, and/or client identifier:
  • ws://username:password@host:port/channel?clientId=<identifier>
  • wss://username:password@host:port/channel?clientId=<identifier>
options object A JavaScript object holding properties and callbacks.
Name Type Argument Description
username string <optional>
Connect using this username if not specified with the URL.
password string <optional>
Connect using this password if not specified with the URL.
clientId string <optional>
Connect using this client identifier if not specified with the URL.
autoReconnectAttempts number <optional>
Specify the maximum number of autoreconnect attempts if the connection is lost.
autoReconnectMaxDelay number <optional>
Specify the maximum delay (in milliseconds) between autoreconnect attempts.
maxPendingAcks number <optional>
Specify the maximum number of unacknowledged messages allowed for the client. Once reached the client will stop receiving additional messages until previously received messages are acknowledged.
trustAll boolean <optional>
Specify true to skip eFTL server certificate authentication. This option should only be used during development and testing. See eFTL#setTrustCertificates.
onConnect onConnect <optional>
A new connection to the eFTL server is ready to use.
onError onError <optional>
An error prevented an operation.
onDisconnect onDisconnect <optional>
A connection to the eFTL server has closed.
onReconnect onReconnect <optional>
A connection to the eFTL server has re-opened and is ready to use.

getVersion() → {string}

Get the version of the eFTL Java client library.
The version of the eFTL Java client library.


Set the certificates to trust when making a secure connection.

Self-signed server certificates are not supported.

This method is not supported by browsers. Browsers only trust certificate authorities that have been installed by the browser.

Name Type Description
certs string | Buffer | Array.<string> | Array.<Buffer> Trust these certificates.