
EMS client programs may modify the values of these properties within imported messages for re-export to SmartSockets. (However, exporting a native EMS message does not carry these properties to SmartSockets.)

Export of these properties depends on the value of the transport parameter export_properties.

When exporting an EMS message to SmartSockets, tibemsd maps these properties in reverse. In most cases, the mapping is symmetric—export maps them back to the same SmartSockets header.

However, three exceptions (JMS_TIBCO_SS_SENDER, JMS_TIBCO_SS_MESSAGE_ID and JMS_TIBCO_SS_SEQ_NUM) are asymmetric—export maps them to subfields of the field JMSProperties within the SmartSockets message. The fourth column indicates this asymmetry.

SmartSockets Mapping Message Properties (Import & Export)
EMS Property SmartSockets Method Import Export Asymmetr.
JMS_TIBCO_SS_SENDER TipcMsgGetSender none
all Asymmetr.
JMS_TIBCO_SS_TYPE_NUM TipcMsgGetType type_num
JMS_TIBCO_SS_DELIVERY_MODE TipcMsgGetDeliveryMode all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_LB_MODE TipcMsgGetLbMode all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_EXPIRATION TipcMsgGetExpiration all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_PRIORITY TipcMsgGetPriority all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_SENDER_TIMESTAMP TipcMsgGetSenderTimestamp all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_CORRELATION_ID TipcMsgGetCorrelationId all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_USER_PROP TipcMsgGetUserProp all  
JMS_TIBCO_SS_MESSAGE_ID TipcMsgGetMessageId all Asymmetr.
JMS_TIBCO_SS_SEQ_NUM TipcMsgGetSeqNum all Asymmetr.