Description of Topic Message Properties

Each monitor message can have a different set of these properties.

Property Contents
conn_connid Connection ID of the connection that generated the event.
conn_ft Whether the client connection is a connection to a fault-tolerant server.
conn_hostname Hostname of the connection that generated the event.
conn_ssl Whether the connection uses the SSL protocol.
conn_type Type of connection that generated the event. This property can have the following values:
  • Admin
  • Topic
  • Queue
  • Generic
  • Route
  • FT (connection to fault-tolerant server)
  • Unknown
conn_username User name of the connection that generated the event.
conn_xa Whether the client connection is an XA connection.
event_action The action that caused the event. This property can have the values listed in Event Action Property Values.
event_class The type of monitoring event (that is, the last part of the topic name without the $sys.monitor).

For message monitoring, the value of this property is always set to message.

event_description A text description of the event that has occurred.
event_reason The reason the event occurred (usually an error). The values this property can have are described in Event Reason Property Values.
event_route For routing, the route that the event occurred on.
message_bytes When the full message is to be included for message monitoring, this field contains the message as a byte array. You can use the createFromBytes method (in the various client APIs) to recover the message.
mode Message delivery mode. This values of this property can be the following:
  • persistent
  • non_persistent
  • reliable
msg_correlation_id JMS correlation ID.
msg_id Message ID.
msg_seq Message sequence number.
msg_size Message size, in bytes.
msg_timestamp Message timestamp.
msg_expiration Message expiration.
replyTo Message JMSReplyTo.
rv_reply Message RV reply subject.
source_id ID of the source object.
source_name Name of the source object involved with the event. This property can have the following values:
  • XID (global transaction ID)
  • message_id
  • connections (number of connections)
  • unknown (unknown name)
  • Any server property name
  • the name of the user, or anonymous
source_object Source object that was involved with the event. This property can have the following values:
  • producer
  • consumer
  • topic
  • queue
  • permissions
  • durable
  • server
  • transaction
  • user
  • group
  • connection
  • message
  • jndiname
  • factory
  • file
  • limits (a limit, such as a memory limit)
  • route
  • transport
source_value Value of source object.
stat_msgs Message count statistic for producer or consumer.
stat_size Message size statistic for producer or consumer.
target_admin Whether the target object is the admin connection.
target_created Time that the consumer was created (in milliseconds since the epoch).
target_dest_name Name of the target destination
target_dest_type Type of the target destination.
target_durable Name of durable subscriber when target is durable subscriber.
target_group Group name that was target of the event
target_hostname Hostname of the target object.
target_id ID of the target object.
target_name Name of the object that was the target of the event. This property can have the following values:
  • XID (global transaction ID)
  • message_id
  • connections (number of connections)
  • unknown (unknown name)
  • Any server property name
  • the name of the user, or anonymous
target_nolocal NoLocal flag when target is durable subscriber.
target_object The general object that was the target of the event. This property can have the following values:
  • producer
  • consumer
  • topic
  • queue
  • durable
  • server
  • transaction
  • user
  • group
  • connection
  • message
  • jndiname
  • factory
  • file
  • limits (a limit, such as a memory limit)
  • route
  • transport
target_selector Selector when the target is a consumer.
target_subscription Subscription of the target object when target is durable subscriber.
target_url URL of the target object.
target_username Username of the target object.
target_value Value of the object that was the target of the event, such as the name of a topic, queue, and so on.
Event Action Property Values
Event Action Value Description
accept connection accepted
acknowledge message is acknowledged
add user added to a group
admin_commit administrator manually committed an XA transaction
admin_rollback administrator manually rolled back an XA transaction
commit transaction committed
connect connection attempted
create something created
delete something deleted
disconnect connection disconnected
flow_engaged stored messages rise above a destination’s limit, engaging the flow control feature
flow_disengaged stored messages fall below a destination’s limit, disengaging the flow control feature
interest registered interest for a route
modify something changed
grant permission granted
premature_exit message prematurely exited
purge topic, queue, or durable subscriber purged
receive message posted into destination
remove user removed from a group
resume administrator resumed a route
revoke permission revoked
rollback transaction rolled back
rotate_log log file rotated
send message sent by server to another party
subscribe subscription request
suspend administrator suspended a route
txcommit administrator manually committed a local transaction
txrollback administrator manually rolled back a local transaction
xacommit an application committed an XA transaction (2-phase)
xacommit_1phase an application committed an XA transaction (1-phase)
xastart an application started a new XA transaction
xastart_join an application has joined (that is, added) a resource to an existing transaction
xastart_resume an application resumed a suspended XA transaction
xaend_fail an application ended an XA transaction, indicating failure
xaend_success an application ended an XA transaction, indicating success
xaend_suspend an application suspended an XA transaction
xaprepare an application prepared an XA transaction
xarecover an application called recover (to get a list of XA transactions)
xarollback an application rolled back an XA transaction
Event Reason Property Values
Event Action Value Description
accept connection accepted
acknowledge message is acknowledged
add user added to a group
admin_commit administrator manually committed an XA transaction
admin_rollback administrator manually rolled back an XA transaction
commit transaction committed
connect connection attempted
create something created
delete something deleted
disconnect connection disconnected
flow_engaged stored messages rise above a destination’s limit, engaging the flow control feature
flow_disengaged stored messages fall below a destination’s limit, disengaging the flow control feature
interest registered interest for a route
modify something changed
grant permission granted
premature_exit message prematurely exited
purge topic, queue, or durable subscriber purged
receive message posted into destination
remove user removed from a group
resume administrator resumed a route
revoke permission revoked
rollback transaction rolled back
rotate_log log file rotated
send message sent by server to another party
subscribe subscription request
suspend administrator suspended a route
txcommit administrator manually committed a local transaction
txrollback administrator manually rolled back a local transaction
xacommit an application committed an XA transaction (2-phase)
xacommit_1phase an application committed an XA transaction (1-phase)
xastart an application started a new XA transaction
xastart_join an application has joined (that is, added) a resource to an existing transaction
xastart_resume an application resumed a suspended XA transaction
xaend_fail an application ended an XA transaction, indicating failure
xaend_success an application ended an XA transaction, indicating success
xaend_suspend an application suspended an XA transaction
xaprepare an application prepared an XA transaction
xarecover an application called recover (to get a list of XA transactions)
xarollback an application rolled back an XA transaction