Deploying All Locked Servers

Warning: The deploy action deploys not only the selected server, but all servers for which the current user holds the lock. For example, if you have the lock on five servers, all five servers are updated when the deploy command is issued.


  1. Navigate to the Server Overview Page, or any properties page for an EMS server.
  2. Click Deploy .
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter an identifying name for the deployment. This name is used in the deployment archive, and will help you identify this deployment when you view its log, or should you need to redeploy at a future date.

    By default, the deployment name is the date and time of the deployment: year-month-day-hour-minute-second-milisecond. For example, 2017-09-08-17-11-06-73 indicates a deployment on September 8, 2017 at 5:11:06:73 in the afternoon.

  4. Click Deploy. If you wish to continue editing, click Cancel.

    Once Deploy is clicked, the Central Administration server:

    • deploys the working copy of the JSON configuration file to the EMS server,
    • updates the deployment archive with the new current configuration,
    • releases the lock on the EMS server, and
    • opens the Deployments page.
  5. To view details about the deployment, including any errors, click View next to the deployment name.

    If some cases, the EMS server requires a restart before the configuration changes take effect. If such cases, the server deployment log notes this requirement.

  6. If required, restart the EMS server. This task cannot be completed using the Central Administration web interface.