show consumers [topic=name | queue=name] [durable] [user=name] [connection=id] [sort=conn|user|dest|msgs] [full]
Shows information about all consumers or only consumers matching specified filters. Output of the command can be controlled by specifying the
sort or
full parameter. If the
topic or
queue parameter is specified, then only consumers on destinations matching specified queue or topic are shown. The
user and/or
connection parameters show consumers only for the specified user or connection. Note that while the queue browser is open, it appears as a consumer in the EMS server.
durable parameter shows only durable topic subscribers and queue receivers, but it does not prevent queue consumers to be shown. To see only durable topic consumers, use:
show consumers topic=> durable
sort parameter sorts the consumers by either connection ID, user name, destination name, or number of pending messages. The full parameter shows all columns listed below and can be as wide as 120-140 characters or wider. Both topic and queue consumers are shown in separate tables, first the topic consumers and then the queue consumers.
Note: When connected to an EMS 8.0 or higher server, this command no longer displays offline durable subscribers. In order to see offline durables, use the command
show durables or
show subscriptions.
show consumers (description of output fields)
Consumer ID.
Consumer's connection ID.
If performed on an EMS 7.x or earlier server, this field displays '-' to indicate a disconnected durable topic subscriber.
Consumer's session ID.
If performed on an EMS 7.x or earlier server, this field displays '-' to indicate a disconnected durable topic subscriber.
Consumer type character which can be one of:
For topic consumer:
- T - non-durable topic subscriber.
- D - durable topic subscriber.
- R - system-created durable for a routed topic.
- P - proxy subscriber on route's temporary topic.
For queue consumer:
- Q - regular queue receiver.
- q - inactive queue receiver.
- P - system-created receiver on global queue for user receiver created in one of routes.
Name of the subscription topic or queue.
(Topics Only.) Durable or shared subscription name. This column is shown for topic consumers if at least one consumer is a durable or shared consumer.
Description of columns:
- S - '+' if consumer's connection started, '-' otherwise.
- A - mode of consumer's session, values are:
- N - no acknowledge
- A - auto acknowledge
- D - dups_ok acknowledge
- C - client acknowledge
- T - session is transactional
- X - XA or MS DTC session
- Z - connection consumer
- S - '+' if consumer has a selector, '-' otherwise.
- N - (TOPICS ONLY) '+' if subscriber is "NoLocal."
- B - (QUEUES ONLY) '+' if consumer is a queue browser.
- S - (TOPICS ONLY) '+' if this is a shared consumer.
Prefetch value of the consumer's destination.
Pre Dlv
Number of prefetch window messages delivered to consumer
Msgs Sent
Current number of messages sent to consumer which are not yet acknowledged by consumer's session.
Size Sent
Combined size of unacknowledged messages currently sent to consumer. Value is rounded and shown in bytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes or (G)igabytes.
Pend Msgs
(Topics Only.) Total number of messages pending for the topic consumer.
Pend Size
(Topics Only.) Combined size of messages pending for the topic consumer. Value is rounded and shown in bytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes or (G)igabytes.
Uptime of the consumer.
Last Sent
Approximate time elapsed since last message was sent by the server to the consumer. Value is approximate with precision of 1 second.
Last Ackd
Approximate time elapsed since last time a message sent to the consumer was acknowledged by consumer's session. Value is approximate with precision of 1 second.
Total Sent
Total number of messages sent to consumer since it was created. This includes resends due to session recover or rollback.
Total Acked
Total number of messages sent to the consumer and acknowledged by consumer's session since consumer created.