
package  ADMIN
package  UFO


class  AuthenticationException
 This exception is thrown when the client authentication to the naming server failed because of invalid authentication or insufficient privileges for a lookup request. More...
class  BytesMessage
 A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes. It inherits from the Message interface and adds a bytes message body. The receiver of the message supplies the interpretation of the bytes. More...
class  CannotProceedException
 This exception is thrown when the naming service cannot be proceeded because of insufficient information to resolve a lookup request. More...
class  CommunicationException
 This exception is thrown when a lookup request returns bad data. More...
class  ConfigurationException
 This exception is thrown when the configuration of the naming service has caused failures More...
class  Connection
 A Connection object is a client's active connection to TIBCO EMS Server. More...
class  ConnectionFactory
 Administered object for creating server connections. More...
class  ConnectionMetaData
 A ConnectionMetaData object provides information describing the Connection object. More...
class  DeliveryMode
 Define delivery mode constants as integers (for backward compatibility) More...
class  Destination
 A Destination object encapsulates a TIBCO EMS specific address. More...
class  EMSDTCConnection
 A Connection object is a client's active connection to TIBCO EMS Server. A EMSDTCConnection should be used when the client intends to participate in a MSDTC transaction (i.e. System.Transactions.Transaction) More...
class  EMSDTCConnectionFactory
 Connection factory class for creating EMSDTCConnections and subsequently EMSMSDTCSessions for participating in MSDTC distributed transactions. More...
class  EMSDTCSession
 The EMSDTCSession class represents a session of the client within the server. Only EMSDTCSession's are allowed to participate in MSDTC distributed transactions. More...
class  EMSException
 This is base class for TIBCO EMS .NET API related exceptions More...
class  EMSExceptionEventArgs
 Present a connection problem as a .NET event. More...
class  EMSMessageEventArgs
 EMSMessageHandler event argument, used in TIBCO.EMS.MessageConsumer.MessageHandler. More...
class  EMSMulticastExceptionEventArgs
 Presents a multicast problem as a .NET event. More...
class  EMSSSL
 TLS specific class that provides methods, defines and other miscellaneous constants that are used to set TLS parameters that apply across all connections. More...
class  EMSSSLFileStoreInfo
 Specifies the file store information. More...
class  EMSSSLHostNameVerifierArgs
 Specifies the host name verifier arguments More...
class  EMSSSLSystemStoreInfo
 Specifies the system store information More...
class  FederatedConnectionFactory
 The FederatedConnectionFactory class represents the connection factory entry in the naming server. A FederatedConnectionFactory object is the query result of a connection factory name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
class  FederatedEMSDTCConnectionFactory
 The FederatedEMSDTCConnectionFactory class represents the connection factory entry in the naming server. A FederatedEMSDTCConnectionFactory object is the query result of a connection factory name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
class  FederatedQueue
 The FederatedQueue class represents the queue entry in the naming server. A FederatedQueue object is the query result of a queue name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
class  FederatedQueueConnectionFactory
 The FederatedQueueConnectionFactory class represents the queue connection factory entry in the naming server. A FederatedQueueConnectionFactory object is the query result of a queue connection factory name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
class  FederatedTopic
 The FederatedTopic class represents the topic entry in the naming server. A FederatedTopic object is the query result of a topic name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
class  FederatedTopicConnectionFactory
 The FederatedTopicConnectionFactory class represents the topic connection factory entry in the naming server. A FederatedTopicConnectionFactory object is the query result of a topic connection factory name lookup, the return value of the NameSearcher.Lookup method. More...
interface  ICompletionListener
 Notifies the application an asynchronous send has completed. More...
interface  IExceptionListener
 Asynchronously detect problems with connections. More...
class  InvalidClientIDException
 The provider rejects the connection's client ID More...
class  InvalidDestinationException
 The EMS Server cannot locate the destination More...
class  InvalidNameException
 In a lookup request, the name has incorrect syntax More...
class  InvalidSelectorException
 The client passed a message selector with invalid syntax More...
class  LdapLookupConsts
 Specifies the parameters used to connect to a third-party LDAP server and lookup EMS administered objects. More...
class  LdapLookupContext
 This class provides an interface used to search for and perform queries in a third-party LDAP server for EMS administered objects. More...
class  LdapLookupSSLParams
 Provides the query client certificate callback and the server verify callback used to establish a TLS connection to the LDAP server (ldaps). More...
class  LookupContext
 Search for and perform queries on administered objects in the EMS server More...
class  LookupContextFactory
 Create ILookupContext objects More...
class  MapMessage
 A MapMessage object is used to send a set of name-value pairs. The names are String objects, and the values are primitive data types in the .NET programming language. The names must have a value that is not null, and not an empty string. The entries can be accessed sequentially or randomly by name. The order of the entries is undefined. MapMessage inherits from the Message interface and adds a message body that contains a Map. More...
class  Message
 Messages carry information among EMS client programs. More...
class  MessageConsumer
 A client uses a MessageConsumer object to receive messages from a destination. More...
class  MessageEOFException
 The data stream within a message ended unexpectedly More...
class  MessageFormatException
 Datatype mismatch More...
class  MessageNotReadableException
 Attempt to read from a message in write-only mode More...
class  MessageNotWriteableException
 Attempt to write to a message in read-only mode More...
class  MessageProducer
 Defines the root behavior of all message producers. More...
class  NameNotFoundException
 The name lookup repository cannot find a name; the name is not bound More...
class  NamingException
 This is the base class for all exceptions related to name lookup requests More...
class  ObjectMessage
 An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable object. More...
class  Queue
 A Queue object encapsulates a TIBCO EMS specific queue name. More...
class  QueueBrowser
 Enumerate the messages in a queue without consuming them More...
class  QueueConnection
 A QueueConnection object is an active connection to a point-to-point TIBCO EMS Server. More...
class  QueueConnectionFactory
 Backward compatibility. Administered object for creating queue connections. More...
class  QueueReceiver
 A client uses a QueueReceiver object to receive messages that have been delivered to a queue. More...
class  QueueRequestor
 This class provides a request/reply facility for messaging over a queue, using a TemporaryQueue for handling replies. More...
class  QueueSender
 A client uses a QueueSender object to send messages to a queue. More...
class  QueueSession
 Session restricted to queues More...
class  ResourceAllocationException
 Required resources are not available More...
class  SecurityException
 The method cannot complete because of a security restriction More...
class  ServiceUnavailableException
 A lookup request failed because the client could not connect to the server More...
class  Session
 A Session object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages. More...
class  StreamMessage
 A StreamMessage object is used to send a stream of primitive types in the .NET programming language. It is filled and read sequentially. It inherits from the Message interface and adds a stream message body. More...
class  TemporaryQueue
 A TemporaryQueue object is a unique Queue object created for the duration of a Connection. It is a system-defined queue that can be consumed only by the Connection that created it. More...
class  TemporaryTopic
 A TemporaryTopic object is a unique Topic object created for the duration of a Connection. More...
class  TextMessage
 A TextMessage object is used to send a message containing a String. It inherits from the Message interface and adds a text message body. More...
class  Tibems
 Defines miscellaneous constants and provider properties used by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service More...
class  Topic
 A Topic object encapsulates a TIBCO EMS specific topic name. More...
class  TopicConnection
 A TopicConnection object is an active connection to a publish/subscribe TIBCO EMS Server. More...
class  TopicConnectionFactory
 Backward compatibility. Administered object for creating topic connections. More...
class  TopicPublisher
 A client uses a TopicPublisher object to publish messages on a topic. A TopicPublisher object is the publish-subscribe form of a message producer. More...
class  TopicRequestor
 This class provides a request/reply facility for messaging over a topic. More...
class  TopicSession
 A TopicSession object provides methods for creating TopicPublisher, TopicSubscriber. More...
class  TopicSubscriber
 A client uses a TopicSubscriber object to receive messages that have been published to a topic. More...
class  TransactionInProgressException
 This exception indicates that the transaction associated with processing of the request is in progress More...
class  TransactionRolledBackException
 An attempt to commit a transaction resulted in rollback More...


 Certificate Store Type to be used for reading TLS Certificates More...
enum  SessionMode {
  SessionMode.SessionTransacted = 0, SessionMode.AutoAcknowledge, SessionMode.ClientAcknowledge, SessionMode.DupsOkAcknowledge,
  SessionMode.NoAcknowledge = 22, SessionMode.ExplicitClientAcknowledge, SessionMode.ExplicitClientDupsOkAcknowledge
 Enumerate constants associated with sessions. More...
enum  FactoryLoadBalanceMetric { FactoryLoadBalanceMetric.None = 0, FactoryLoadBalanceMetric.Connections, FactoryLoadBalanceMetric.ByteRate }
 Enum defintions for connection factory load balance metrics. More...
enum  MessageDeliveryMode { MessageDeliveryMode.NonPersistent = 1, MessageDeliveryMode.Persistent, MessageDeliveryMode.ReliableDelivery = 22 }
 Defines of the delivery modes as enum More...


delegate void EMSExceptionHandler (object sender, EMSExceptionEventArgs args)
 Delegate declaration for exception handler More...
delegate bool EMSSSLHostNameVerifier (object sender, EMSSSLHostNameVerifierArgs args)
 Delegate declaration for host name verifier More...
delegate void EMSMessageHandler (object sender, EMSMessageEventArgs args)
 Delegate declaration for message event handler More...
delegate void EMSMulticastExceptionHandler (object sender, EMSMulticastExceptionEventArgs args)
 Delegate declaration for the multicast exception handler More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Certificate Store Type to be used for reading TLS Certificates


public const to be used if the certificates are stored in a pkcs12 (aka .pfx) file.


public const to be used if the certificates are store in the Microsoft certificate store.


public const to be used if the certificates are stored in the Microsoft certificate store, specifying default will cause the Microsoft certificate store to be used.

Enum defintions for connection factory load balance metrics.

When a connection factory balances the client load among several servers, it uses this metric to determine the least loaded server, so the connection factory can create a connection to it.


Indicate that no load balancing metric has been set for the connection factory.


Indicate that the connection factory load balances connections across multiple servers by creating a connection to the server with the fewest number of connections.


Indicate that the connection factory load balances connections across multiple servers by creating a connection to the server with the lowest total byte rate (input and output).

Defines of the delivery modes as enum

The class DeliveryMode defines a parallel set of constants as ordinary integers. However, this MessageDeliveryMode enumeration enables .NET to do stronger type checking at compile time, which can enhance program reliability.


Non persistent delivery


Persistent delivery


Reliable delivery. This delivery mode is a proprietary extension and when used offers increased performance of the message producers using this mode.

Enumerate constants associated with sessions.


The session is transacted. The IsTransacted property has this value if the session uses transaction semantics. See SESSION_TRANSACTED for more information.


Automatic acknowledgment. See AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.


Client acknowledgment. See CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.


Duplication ok acknowledgment. See DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.


Defines no acknowledge acknowledge mode. This acknowledge mode is a proprietary extension and when used offers increased performance of the message consumers. Messages delivered to the sessions using this acknowledge mode do not require acknowledgement and are never redelivered regardless if the delivery has been successfull or not. See NO_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.


Defines explicit client acknowledge mode. This acknowledge mode is a proprietary extension. Sessions using this acknowledge mode must acknowledge each message explicitly calling the acknowledge() method for all messages. The application can call aknowledge() in any order. The general rule that acknowledging a message will acknowledge all previous messages does not apply. See EXPLICIT_CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.


Defines explicit client acknowledge mode with dups_ok. This acknowledge mode is a proprietary extension. This acknowledge mode implements the same explicit acknowledge logic as the ExplicitClientAcknowledge mode. However while ExplicitClientAcknowledge guarantees the success of the acknowledge operation upon return, this mode does not and, similarly to DupsOkAcknowledge mode, acknowledges message lazily with the possibility that some acknowledged messages may be redelivered. Like for ExplicitClientAcknowledge, this mode requires an application to explicitly call acknowledge() method, in any order, for each message it wants to acknowledge. See EXPLICIT_CLIENT_DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE for more information.

Function Documentation

delegate void TIBCO.EMS.EMSExceptionHandler ( object  sender,
EMSExceptionEventArgs  args 

Delegate declaration for exception handler

Asynchronously detect problems with connections.

When a program uses a connection to send messages, the send calls can detect problems with the connection, and notify the client program by throwing exceptions. However, when a program uses a connection only to receive messages, the client cannot catch such exceptions.

This delegate provides an alternate pathway for alerting a client program of connection problems. The program implements this delegate, and registers it with the connection. When the client library detects a connection problem, it raises an event. This delegate processes the event, which contains an exception that details the problem.

EMSExceptionHandler detects this type of problem in a .NET programming idiom. In contrast, IExceptionListener mimics the way in which JMS provides similar functionality in a Java programming idiom. Programmers may select either idiom - but not both (which would cause duplicate exception processing, with undefined behavior).

Exception Event Handler Example:

connection.ExceptionHandler += new EMSExceptionHandler(handleEx);
private void handleEx(object sender, EMSExceptionEventArgs arg)
EMSException e = arg.Exception;
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
senderThe source of the event, the Connection object in this case.
argsThe event argument, EMSExceptionEventArgs, that contains the exception object.
delegate void TIBCO.EMS.EMSMessageHandler ( object  sender,
EMSMessageEventArgs  args 

Delegate declaration for message event handler

This delegate provides an asynchronous pathway for receiving messages. The program implements this delegate, and registers it with a MessageConsumer. When a message arrives, the client library raises an event. This delegate processes the event, which presents the message.

NOTE: The message is read-only, attempting to modify the received message in the handler will result in MessageNotWriteableException. A consumer can modify a received message after calling either the clearBody or clearProperties method to make the body or properties writable.

The EMSMessageHandler receives messages in a .NET programming idiom. In contrast, IMessageListener mimics the way in which JMS provides similar functionality in a Java programming idiom. Programmers may select either idiom - but not both (which would cause duplicate message processing, with undefined behavior).

Example Message Event Handler:

consumer.MessageHandler += new EMSMessageHandler(handleMsg);
private void handleMsg(object sender, EMSMessageEventArgs arg)
Message m = arg.Message;
Console.WriteLine("Received message: " + m);


In compliance with the JMS specification, sessions distribute messages to listeners and event handler delegates in serial (non-concurrent) fashion.

senderThe source of the event. It can be either the MessageConsumer object or the Session object depending on to which object is the message handler registered.
argsThe event argument, EMSMessageEventArgs
delegate void TIBCO.EMS.EMSMulticastExceptionHandler ( object  sender,
EMSMulticastExceptionEventArgs  args 

Delegate declaration for the multicast exception handler

Asynchronously detect problems with connections.

When a program uses EMS mutlicast, EMS can detect problems with multicast and notify the client program by throwing exceptions or invoking this delegate.

This delegate provides a pathway for alerting a client program of multicast problems. The program implements this delegate, and registers it. When the client library detects or is notified of a multicast problem, it raises an event. This delegate processes the event, which contains an exception that details the problem.

EMSMulticastExceptionHandler detects this type of problem in a .NET programming idiom.

Multicast Exception Event Handler Example:

Tibems.MulitcastExceptionHandler += new EMSMulticastExceptionHandler(handleEx);
private void handleEx(object sender, EMSMulticastExceptionEventArgs arg)
EMSException e = arg.Exception;
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
senderThe source of the event, the Connection object in this case.
argsThe event argument, EMSExceptionEventArgs, that contains the exception object.
As of release 8.3
delegate bool TIBCO.EMS.EMSSSLHostNameVerifier ( object  sender,
EMSSSLHostNameVerifierArgs  args 

Delegate declaration for host name verifier

The user can perform any necessary specific validations in the host name verifier delegate, returning false will cause the TLS handshake to terminate, returning true will cause the TLS handshake to continue.

senderThe source of the event.
argsThe event argument, EMSSSLHostNameVerifierArgs

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