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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

Interface TibjmsMulticastExceptionListener

  • public interface TibjmsMulticastExceptionListener
    If EMS detects a serious Multicast problem, it informs the TibjmsMulticastExceptionListener, if one has been registered. It does this by calling the listener's onMulticastException method, passing it the affected MessageConsumer and a JMSException argument describing the problem.
    • Method Detail

      • onMulticastException

        void onMulticastException(Connection connection,
                                              Session session,
                                              MessageConsumer consumer,
                                              JMSException exception)
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        This mehod Invoked when the a mutlicast problem has been identified.
        connection - The connection affected by the multicast exception
        session - The session affected by the multicast exception
        consumer - The consumer affected by the multicast exception
        exception - A JMS Exception identifying the problem
        EMS 5.0
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

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