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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

Class ChannelInfo

  • Deprecated. 
    As of release 8.3

    public class ChannelInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    An object of this class represents the configuration and optionally statistical data about the multicast channel. When this object is received via the method TibjmsAdmin.getChannel(java.lang.String), it does not contain statistical information about the channel. Only objects returned by the method TibjmsAdmin.getChannelStatistics(java.lang.String) return ChannelInfo objects that include all statistical data.
    EMS 5.0
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's name.
        the channel's name.
      • getAddress

        public java.lang.String getAddress()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's multicast address.
        the channel's multicast address.
      • getInterface

        public java.lang.String getInterface()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's multicast interface.
        the channel's multicast interface.
      • getTtl

        public int getTtl()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's multicast time-to-live.
        the channel's multicast time-to-live.
      • getPriority

        public int getPriority()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's multicast priority.
        the channel's multicast priorty.
      • getMaxRate

        public long getMaxRate()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's maximum transmission rate.
        the channel's maximum transmission rate in bytes per second.
      • getMaxTime

        public long getMaxTime()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's maximum window size for retransmissions.
        the channel's maximum window size for retransmissions in seconds.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Indicates whether or not the channel is active.
        true if this channel is active and false if this channel is defined in the server configuration but is not active.
      • getBacklogCount

        public long getBacklogCount()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's message backlog count. This is the number of messages buffered in the server waiting to be sent on the channel.
        the channel's message backlog count.
      • getBacklogSize

        public long getBacklogSize()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the channel's message backlog size. This is the number of bytes buffered in the server waiting to be sent on the channel.
        the channel's message backlog size.
      • getTransmittedBytes

        public long getTransmittedBytes()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the number of bytes sent by this channel. This number does not include any retransmissions.
        the number of bytes sent by this channel.
      • getRetransmittedBytes

        public long getRetransmittedBytes()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the number of bytes sent in retransmissions by this channel.
        the number of bytes sent in retransmissions by this channel.
      • getBufferedBytes

        public long getBufferedBytes()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Get the number of bytes buffered for retransmission by this channel.
        the number of bytes buffered for retransmission by this channel.
      • getStatistics

        public StatData getStatistics()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Returns cumulative statistics for all destinations on the channel.
        cumulative statistics for all destinations on the channel, or null if the channel information does not include statistics or statistics are disabled on the server.
        See Also:
      • getDetailedStatistics

        public DetailedDestStat[] getDetailedStatistics()
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        Returns detailed statistics for all destinations being sent on the channel.
        detailed statistics for all destinations being sent on the channel, or null if the channel information does not include statistics or statistics are disabled on the server.
        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • from

        public static ChannelInfo from( cd)
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Deprecated. As of release 8.3
        For Internal use only, may be removed or deprecated in future.
        a ChannelInfo object from CompositeData
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if CompositeType does not match or if a null CompositeData is passed.
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

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