
The main configuration file controls the characteristics of the EMS server. This file is usually named tibemsd.conf, but you can specify another file name when starting the server.

You can find more information about starting the server in Running the EMS Server.

An example of the tibemsd.conf file is included in the config-file-directory/cfmgmt/ems/data/ directory, where config-file-directory is specified during TIBCO Enterprise Message Service installation. You can edit this configuration file with a text editor. There are a few configuration items in this file that can be altered using the administration tool, but most configuration parameters must be set by editing the file (that is, the server does not accept changes to those parameters). See EMS Administration Tool for more information about using the administration tool.

Several parameters accept boolean values. In the description of the parameter, one specific set of values is given (for example, enable and disable), but all parameters that accept booleans can have the following values:

  • enable, enabled, true, yes, on
  • disable, disabled, false, no, off

Parameters that take multiple elements cannot contain spaces between the elements, unless the elements are enclosed in starting and ending double quotes. Parameters are limited to line lengths no greater than 256,000 characters in length.

The following table summarizes the parameters in tibemsd.conf according to category. The sections that follow provide more detail on each parameter.

Parameter Description
Global System Parameters
always_exit_on_disk_error Enable or disable the server behavior to exit on any disk error.
authorization Enable or disable server authorization.
compliant_queue_ack Guarantees that a message will not be redelivered after a client has successfully acknowledged its receipt from a routed queue.
disconnect_non_acking_consumers Causes the server to review unacknowledged pending messages size and counts in consumers.
flow_control Enable or disable flow control for destinations.
flow_control_only_with_active_consumer Restore the flow control behavior that was enforced before release 8.4.
health_check_listen Specifies the port on which the server is to listen for health check requests.
listen Specifies the port on which the server is to listen for connections from clients.
max_msg_field_print_size Limits the size of string fields in trace messages.
max_msg_print_size Limits the size of the printed message of traced messages.
module_path Specifies a directory or directories that contain shared library files upon which the server is dependent.
network_thread_count Specifies the number of network threads used by the EMS server.
npsend_check_mode Specifies when the server is to provide confirmation upon receiving a NON_PERSISTENT message from a producer.
password Password used to authenticate with other servers that have authorization enabled.
processor_ids Specifies the processors to be used for network I/O traffic.
routing Enable or disable routing functionality for this server.
secondary_health_check_listen Specifies the port on which the server designated as secondary in a fault tolerant pair is to listen for health check requests.
selector_logical_operator_limit Limits the number of operators that the server reviews during selector evaluation.
server Name of server.
startup_abort_list Specifies conditions under which the server is to exit during its initialization sequence.
user_auth Specifies the source of authentication information used to authenticate users attempting to access the EMS server.
xa_default_timeout Specifies the TX timeout for XA transactions.
Storage File Parameter
store Specifies the directory in which the server stores data.
Connection and Memory Parameters
destination_backlog_swapout Specifies the maximum number of messages per destination that are stored in the server before message swapping is enabled.
handshake_timeout Specifies the amount of time that the EMS server waits for a connection to complete.
large_destination_count Specifies the number of messages that an unbounded destination can gather before the server starts logging warnings about that destination’s message count.
large_destination_memory Specifies the size in memory that an unbounded destination can grow to before the server starts logging warnings about that destination’s size.
max_client_msg_size Sets a maximum size for incoming messages.
max_connections Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client connections to the server.
max_msg_memory Specifies the maximum memory the server can use for messages.
msg_pool_block_size Specifies the size of the pool to be pre-allocated by the server to store messages.
msg_swapping Enable or disable message swapping.
reserve_memory Specifies the amount of memory to reserve for use in emergency situations.
socket_send_buffer_size Sets the size of the send buffer used by clients when connecting to the EMS server.
socket_receive_buffer_size Sets the size of the receive buffer used by clients when connecting to the EMS server.
Detecting Network Connection Failure Parameters
active_route_connect_time Specifies the interval at which an EMS server will attempt to connect or reconnect a route to another server.
client_heartbeat_server Specifies the interval clients are to send heartbeats to the server.
clock_sync_interval Periodically sends the EMS server’s UTC time to clients.
server_timeout_client_connection Specifies the period of time server will wait for a client heartbeat before terminating the client connection.
server_heartbeat_server Specifies the interval this server is to send heartbeats to another server.
server_timeout_server_connection Specifies the period of time this server will wait for a heartbeat from another server before terminating the connection to that server.
server_heartbeat_client Specifies the interval this server is to send heartbeats to all of its clients.
client_timeout_server_connection Specifies the period of time a client will wait for a heartbeat from the server before terminating the connection.
Fault Tolerance Parameters
ft_active Specifies the URL of the active server.
ft_heartbeat Specifies the interval the active server is to send a heartbeat signal to the standby server to indicate that it is still operating.
ft_activation Specifies the maximum length of time between heartbeat signals the standby server is to wait before assuming the active server has failed.
ft_reconnect_timeout Specifies the maximum length of time the standby server is to wait for clients to reconnect after becoming the active server in a failover situation.
ft_ssl_identity Specifies the server’s digital certificate.
ft_ssl_issuer Specifies the certificate chain member for the server.
ft_ssl_private_key Specifies the server’s private key.
ft_ssl_password Specifies the password for private keys.
ft_ssl_trusted Specifies the list of trusted certificates.
ft_ssl_verify_host Specifies whether the fault-tolerant server should verify the other server’s certificate.
ft_ssl_verify_hostname Specifies whether the fault-tolerant server should verify the name in the CN field of the other server’s certificate.
ft_ssl_expected_hostname Specifies the name the server is expected to have in the CN field of the fault-tolerant server’s certificate.
ft_ssl_ciphers Specifies the cipher suites used by the server.
Message Tracking Parameters
track_message_ids Enable or disable message tracking by message ID.
track_correlation_ids Enable or disable message tracking by correlation ID.
TIBCO FTL Transport Parameters
ftl_log_level Determines the trace level of FTL messages logged in the server when the EMS Server FTL trace item is enabled.
ftl_password Specifies the password that the EMS server should use to authenticate itself when connecting to the TIBCO FTL realm service.
ftl_trustfile Specifies the trust file for the EMS server to validate the TIBCO FTL realm server on a TLS connection.
ftl_url Required. Specifies the URL at which the EMS server can connect to the TIBCO FTL realm service.
ftl_username The username that the EMS server should use to authenticate itself when connecting to the TIBCO FTL realm service.
tibftl_transports Enable or disable the TIBCO FTL transports defined in transports.conf file.
TIBCO Rendezvous Transport Parameters
tibrv_transports Enable or disable the TIBCO Rendezvous transports defined in transports.conf file.
Tracing and Log File Parameters
client_trace Enable or disable client generation of trace output for opening or closing a connection, message activity, and transaction activity.
console_trace Specifies the trace options for output to stderr.
logfile Name and location of the server log file.
log_trace Specifies the trace options on the file defined by the logfile parameter.
logfile_max_count Specifies the maximum number of log files to be kept.
logfile_max_size Specifies the maximum log file size before the log file is copied to a backup and then emptied.
secondary_logfile Name and location of the server log file used by the server designated as secondary in a fault tolerant pair.
trace_client_host Specifies whether the trace statements related to connections identify the host by its hostname, its IP address, or both.
Statistic Gathering Parameters
server_rate_interval Specifies the interval at which overall server statistics are averaged.
statistics Enables or disables statistic gathering for producers, consumers, destinations, and routes.
rate_interval Specifies the interval at which statistics for routes, destinations, producers, and consumers are averaged.
detailed_statistics Specifies which objects should have detailed statistic tracking.
statistics_cleanup_interval Specifies how long the server should keep detailed statistics if the destination has no activity.
max_stat_memory Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use for detailed statistic gathering.
SSL Server Parameters
ssl_dh_size Specifies the size of the Diffie-Hellman key.
ssl_server_ciphers Specifies the cipher suites used by the server.
ssl_require_client_cert Specifies if the server is to only accept SSL connections from clients that have digital certificates.
ssl_require_route_cert_only Overrides ssl_require_client_cert to restrict requiring digital certificates to SSL connections only from routes.
ssl_use_cert_username Specifies if a client’s user name is to always be extracted from the CN field of the client’s digital certificate.
ssl_cert_user_specname Specifies a special username to identify which clients are to have their usernames taken from their digital certificates.
ssl_server_identity Specifies the server’s digital certificate.
ssl_server_key Specifies the server’s private key.
ssl_password Specifies the password for private keys.
ssl_server_issuer Specifies the certificate chain member for the server.
ssl_server_trusted Specifies the list of CA root certificates the server trusts as issuers of client certificates.
ssl_crl_path Specifies the pathname to the certificate revocation list (CRL) files.
ssl_crl_update_interval Specifies the interval at which the server is to update its CRLs.
ssl_auth_only Specifies whether the server allows clients to request the use of SSL only for authentication.
fips140-2 Enables the server for FIPS compliance.
LDAP Parameters
ldap_url Specifies the URL of the external directory server.
ldap_principal Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP administrator.
ldap_credential Specifies the password associated with the user defined in the ldap_principal property.
ldap_cache_enabled Enables or disables caching of LDAP data.
ldap_cache_ttl Specifies the maximum time that cached LDAP data is retained before it is refreshed.
ldap_conn_type Specifies the type of connection that the server uses to get LDAP information.
ldap_tls_cacert_file Specifies the file that contains the CA certificate the EMS server trusts to sign the LDAP server’s certificate.
ldap_tls_cacert_dir When there are two or more CA certificates in the verify chain, use this parameter to specify the directory containing the CA certificates.
ldap_tls_cipher_suite Specifies the cipher suite to use for encryption on secure LDAP connections.
ldap_tls_rand_file Specifies the file containing random data for encryption.
ldap_tls_cert_file Specifies the file containing the certificate that identifies the EMS server to the LDAP server.
ldap_tls_key_file Specifies the file containing the private key required by the LDAP server to authenticate the client.
ldap_user_class Specifies the name of the LDAP object class that stores users.
ldap_user_attribute Specifies the name of the attribute on the user object class that holds the name of the user.
ldap_user_base_dn Specifies the base distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP tree that contains the users.
ldap_user_scope Specifies how deeply under the base DN to search for users.
ldap_user_filter Specifies the LDAP search filter for finding a given user name.
ldap_all_users_filter Specifies the LDAP search filter for finding all users beneath the user base DN.
ldap_group_base_dn Specifies the base distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP tree that contains groups.
ldap_group_scope Specifies how deeply under the base DN to search for groups.
ldap_group_filter Specifies the LDAP search filter for finding a group with a given group name.
ldap_all_groups_filter Specifies the LDAP search filter for finding all groups beneath the group base DN.
ldap_static_group_class Specifies the name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.
ldap_static_group_attribute Specifies the name of the attribute on the static group object class that holds the name of the group.
ldap_static_group_member_filter Specifies the LDAP search filter for finding all static members of a group
ldap_static_member_attribute Specifies the attribute of an LDAP static group object that specifies the distinguished names (DNs) of the members of the group.
ldap_dynamic_group_class Specifies the name of the LDAP object class that stores dynamic groups.
ldap_dynamic_group_attribute Specifies the name of the attribute on the dynamic group object class that holds the name of the group.
ldap_dynamic_member_url_attribute Specifies the attribute of the dynamic LDAP group object that specifies the URLs of the members of the dynamic group.
Extensible Security Parameters
jaas_config_file Specifies the location of the JAAS configuration file used to run a custom authentication LoginModule.
jaas_login_timeout Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the server waits for the JAAS authentication module to execute and respond.
jaci_class Specifies the name of the class that implements the extensible permissions interface.
jaci_timeout Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the server waits for the JACI permissions module to execute and respond.
security_classpath Includes the JAR files and dependent classes used by the JAAS LoginModules and JACI modules.
JVM Parameters
jre_library Enables the JVM in the EMS server.
jre_option Passes command line options to the JVM at start-up.