Specifies conditions that cause the server to exit during its initialization sequence.
You may specify any subset of the conditions in a comma-separated list. The list cannot contain spaces between the elements, unless the elements are enclosed in starting and ending double quotes. If a space is included but not enclosed in quotation marks, the server ignores any conditions following the space.
Conditions that do not appear in the list are ignored by the server. The default is an empty list.
The conditions are:
- SSL—If SSL initialization fails, then it exits.
- TRANSPORTS—If any of the transports cannot be created as specified in the configuration files, then it exits.
- CONFIG_FILES—If any configuration file listed in tibemsd.conf does not exist, then it exits.
- CONFIG_ERRORS—If the server detects any errors while reading the config files, then it exits.
Note that the tibemsd silently ignores any unknown parameters when it is started using the JSON configuration. For example, no configuration errors are thrown if the tibemsd.json file contains an obsolete parameter.
- DB_FILES—If the server cannot find one or more of its stores, then it exits. Stores include the default store files as well as any file or database stores configured in the
stores.conf configuration file.
Note that if DB_FILES is not included in the startup_abort_list and the server cannot find a store, the server will create the missing file or database. For best results, do not include DB_FILES the first time a server is started, allowing it to create the files. After initial startup or a major store configuration change (such as the addition of a new store), include DB_FILES in the list so that on restart the server will only start if all the configured files are present.