Class ACLEntry

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.admin.ACLEntry

  • public class ACLEntry
    extends java.lang.Object
    An ACLEntry represents the set of permissions that a Principal (User or Group) has on a Destination (Topic or Queue).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ACLEntry

        public ACLEntry​(DestinationInfo destination,
                        PrincipalInfo principal,
                        Permissions permissions)
        Constructor used to create ACLEntries that will be passed to TibjmsAdmin.grant() and TibjmsAdmin.revoke() methods.
        destination - the destination the permissions apply to.
        principal - the principal that has the permissions.
        permissions - the permissions for this entry.
    • Method Detail

      • getDestination

        public DestinationInfo getDestination()
        Get the destination that this entry applies to.
        the DestinationInfo that this ACLEntry applies to.
      • setDestination

        public void setDestination​(DestinationInfo destination)
        Set the destination that this entry applies to.
        destination - The DestinationInfo that this ACLEntry will apply to.
      • getPrincipal

        public PrincipalInfo getPrincipal()
        Get the principal that this entry applies to.
        the PrincipalInfo that this ACLEntry applies to.
      • setPrincipalName

        public void setPrincipalName​(PrincipalInfo principal)
        Set the principal that this entry applies to.
        principal - the PrincipalInfo that this ACLEntry will apply to.
      • getPermissions

        public Permissions getPermissions()
        Get the permissions for this entry.
        the permissions for this entry.
      • setPermissions

        public void setPermissions​(Permissions permissions)
        Set the permissions for this entry.
        permissions - the permissions for this entry.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Generate a string representation of this ACLEntry.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a string representation of this ACLEntry.