Class DestinationInfo

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.admin.DestinationInfo
  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    QueueInfo, TopicInfo

    public abstract class DestinationInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    This abstract class contains methods common to both QueueInfo and TopicInfo. It represents a Topic or Queue known to the server. Destinations fall into three categories: static, dynamic, and temporary.
    Static destinations are explicitly configured and appear in the configuration files on the server.
    Dynamic destinations are created dynamically by EMS clients or routed servers. Dynamic destinations cannot be modified.
    Temporary destinations are defined by the Jakarta Messaging specification. Temporary destinations cannot be modified.
    TopicInfo or QueueInfo objects received via TibjmsAdmin.getTopic() or TibjmsAdmin.getQueue() methods do not contain the statistical data about the destination. In order to obtain statistical information about destinations use TibjmsAdmin.getTopicsStatistics() or TibjmsAdmin.getQueuesStatistics().
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ALL_TYPE
      Type indicating a topic or queue.
      static int DEST_GET_ALL
      Request info for all destinations
      static int DEST_GET_DYNAMIC
      Request info for dynamic destinations only
      static int DEST_GET_NOTEMP
      Request info for nontemporary destinations only
      static int DEST_GET_STATIC
      Request info for static destinations only
      static byte MSG_TRACE_BASIC
      Indicates that message sequence number and message ID will be traced.
      static byte MSG_TRACE_DETAIL
      Indicates that the message body will be traced in addition to the message sequnce number and message ID, .
      static byte MSG_TRACE_NONE
      Indicates that messages will not be traced.
      static int OVERFLOW_DEFAULT
      Indicates that the destination has no specific overflow policy set.
      static int OVERFLOW_DISCARD_OLD
      Indicates that if maxmsgs or maxbytes are exceeded for the queue or a topic's subscriber then when new messages arrive, old messages will be discarded.
      For queues, this behavior is the same as for OVERFLOW_DEFAULT.
      static int PREFETCH_DEFAULT
      Indicates that the default number of messages will be prefetched into the EMS client.
      static int PREFETCH_NONE
      Indicates no messages will be prefetched into the EMS client.
      static int QUEUE_TYPE
      Type indicating a queue.
      static int TOPIC_TYPE
      Type indicating a topic.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addImportTransport​(java.lang.String transportName)
      Add a new import transport to the list of transports this destination imports messages from.
      boolean areBridgeTargetsInherited()
      This method has been misnamed and replaced by isBridgeTargetsInherited().
      boolean areImportTransportsInherited()
      This method has been misnamed and replaced by isImportTransportsInherited().
      long connectionID()
      Get a temporary destination's connection ID.
      BridgeTarget[] getBridgeTargets()
      Get the target destinations that this destination bridges to.
      int getConsumerCount()
      Get the number of consumers for this destination.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      As of release 4.4 because destinations never had a description property
      long getExpiryOverride()
      Get the expiry override for this destination.
      long getFlowControlMaxBytes()
      Get the volume of pending messages (in bytes) at which flow control is enabled for this destination.
      java.lang.String[] getImportTransports()
      Get the names of the transports that this destination imports messages from.
      StatData getInboundStatistics()
      Get inbound statistics for this destination.
      java.lang.String[] getJNDINames()
      Get the array of JNDI names for this destination.
      long getMaxBytes()
      Get the maximum number of message bytes that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
      long getMaxMsgs()
      Get the maximum number of messages that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
      byte getMsgTrace()
      Indicates whether message tracing is enabled for this destination and, if it is enabled, what is to be traced.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Get the name of this destination.
      StatData getOutboundStatistics()
      Get outbound statistics for this destination.
      int getOverflowPolicy()
      Get the overflow policy for this destination.
      long getPendingMessageCount()
      Get the total number of pending messages for this destination.
      long getPendingMessageSize()
      Get the total size for all pending messages for this destination.
      long getPendingPersistentMessageCount()
      Get the total number of pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
      long getPendingPersistentMessageSize()
      Get the total size for all pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
      int getPrefetch()
      Get the number of messages prefetched by the EMS client from the server to improve efficiency.
      long getRedeliveryDelay()
      Get the redelivery delay for this queue.
      java.lang.String getStore()
      Get the store for this destination.
      boolean isBridgeTargetsInherited()
      Determines if the list of targets was inherited from a parent destination or whether it was set on the destination directly.
      boolean isExpiryOverrideInherited()
      Determine if the expiry override property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isFailsafe()
      Determine if this destination is failsafe.
      boolean isFailsafeInherited()
      Determine if the failsafe property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isFlowControlMaxBytesInherited()
      Determine if the flowControlMaxBytes property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isGlobal()
      Determine if this destination is global.
      boolean isGlobalInherited()
      Determine if the global property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isImportTransportsInherited()
      Determines if the list of transports this destination imports messages from was inherited from a parent destination or whether it was set on the destination directly.
      boolean isMaxBytesInherited()
      Determine if the maxBytes property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isMaxMsgsInherited()
      Determine if the maxMsgs property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isMsgTraceInherited()
      Determine if the message trace property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isOverflowPolicyInherited()
      Determine if the overflow property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isPrefetchInherited()
      Determine if the prefetch setting for this dest is inherited from a parent dest.
      boolean isRedeliveryDelayInherited()
      Determine if the redelivery delay property was inheritied from a parent queue or set directly for this queue.
      boolean isSecure()
      Determine if this destination is secure.
      boolean isSecureInherited()
      Determine if the secure property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isSenderName()
      Indicates whether or not the sender_name property is set on this destionation.
      boolean isSenderNameEnforced()
      Indicates whether or not the sender_name_enforced property is set on this destination.
      boolean isSenderNameEnforcedInherited()
      Indicates whether or not the sender_name_enforced is inherited.
      boolean isSenderNameInherited()
      Indicates whether or not the sender_name property is inherited.
      boolean isStatic()
      Determine if this destination is static.
      boolean isStoreInherited()
      Determine if the store property was inherited from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
      boolean isTemporary()
      Determine if this destination is temporary.
      void removeImportTransport​(java.lang.String transportName)
      Remove an import transport from the list of transports this destination imports messages from.
      void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
      As of release 4.4 because destinations never had a description property
      void setExpiryOverride​(long expiry)
      Set the expiry override for this destination.
      void setFailsafe​(boolean failsafe)
      Set the failsafe property of this destination.
      void setFlowControlMaxBytes​(long fcBytes)
      Set the volume of pending messages (in bytes) at which flow control will be enabled for this destination.
      void setGlobal​(boolean global)
      Set the global property of this destination.
      void setMaxBytes​(long maxBytes)
      Set the maximum number of message bytes that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
      void setMaxMsgs​(long maxMsgs)
      Set the maximum number of messages that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
      void setMsgTrace​(byte trace)
      Set the level of message tracing for this destination.
      void setOverflowPolicy​(int overflow)
      Set the overflow policy for this destination.
      void setPrefetch​(int prefetch)
      Set the number of messages prefetched by the consumers of this destination.
      void setRedeliveryDelay​(long delay)
      Set the redelivery delay for this queue.
      void setSecure​(boolean secure)
      Set the secure property of this destination.
      void setSenderName​(boolean senderName)
      Set sender_name property.
      void setSenderNameEnforced​(boolean senderNameEnforced)
      Set sender_name_enforced property.
      void setStore​(java.lang.String store)
      Set the store for this destination.
      java.lang.String statString()
      Helper method that generates the statistical information in the form of a string.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • ALL_TYPE

        public static final int ALL_TYPE
        Type indicating a topic or queue.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • QUEUE_TYPE

        public static final int QUEUE_TYPE
        Type indicating a queue.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TOPIC_TYPE

        public static final int TOPIC_TYPE
        Type indicating a topic.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte MSG_TRACE_NONE
        Indicates that messages will not be traced.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte MSG_TRACE_BASIC
        Indicates that message sequence number and message ID will be traced.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte MSG_TRACE_DETAIL
        Indicates that the message body will be traced in addition to the message sequnce number and message ID, .
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OVERFLOW_DEFAULT
        Indicates that the destination has no specific overflow policy set. For queues this means that producers will receive an error if they try to send a message to a queue that has reached either its maxbytes limit or its maxmsgs limit. For topics, if a subscriber has exceeded their maxbytes limit of their maxmsgs limit then new messages will not be delivered to that subscriber but no error will be returned to the sender.
        EMS 4.3
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OVERFLOW_DISCARD_OLD
        Indicates that if maxmsgs or maxbytes are exceeded for the queue or a topic's subscriber then when new messages arrive, old messages will be discarded.
        EMS 4.3
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OVERFLOW_REJECT_INCOMING
        For queues, this behavior is the same as for OVERFLOW_DEFAULT. For topics, the sender will receive an error if any of the subscribers for the topics has exceeded either their maxbytes limit or their maxmsgs limit.
        EMS 4.4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PREFETCH_NONE
        Indicates no messages will be prefetched into the EMS client.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PREFETCH_DEFAULT
        Indicates that the default number of messages will be prefetched into the EMS client.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEST_GET_STATIC
        Request info for static destinations only
        EMS 4.4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEST_GET_DYNAMIC
        Request info for dynamic destinations only
        EMS 4.4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEST_GET_NOTEMP
        Request info for nontemporary destinations only
        EMS 4.4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEST_GET_ALL

        public static final int DEST_GET_ALL
        Request info for all destinations
        EMS 4.4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getJNDINames

        public java.lang.String[] getJNDINames()
        Get the array of JNDI names for this destination.
        the array of JNDI names for this destination.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Get the name of this destination.
        the name of this destination.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        As of release 4.4 because destinations never had a description property
        Get the description of this destination.
        the description of this destination.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        As of release 4.4 because destinations never had a description property
        Set the description of this destination.
        description - the description for this destination.
      • isFailsafe

        public boolean isFailsafe()
        Determine if this destination is failsafe.
        true if this destination is failsafe.
      • setFailsafe

        public void setFailsafe​(boolean failsafe)
        Set the failsafe property of this destination.
        failsafe - true if this destination should be failsafe.
      • isFailsafeInherited

        public boolean isFailsafeInherited()
        Determine if the failsafe property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the failsafe property was inherited.
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
        Determine if this destination is secure.
        true if this destination is secure.
      • setSecure

        public void setSecure​(boolean secure)
        Set the secure property of this destination.
        secure - true if this destination should be secure.
      • isSecureInherited

        public boolean isSecureInherited()
        Determine if the secure property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the secure property was inherited.
      • isGlobal

        public boolean isGlobal()
        Determine if this destination is global.
        true if this destination is global.
      • setGlobal

        public void setGlobal​(boolean global)
        Set the global property of this destination.
        global - true if this destination should be global.
      • isGlobalInherited

        public boolean isGlobalInherited()
        Determine if the global property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the global property was inherited.
      • getPrefetch

        public int getPrefetch()
        Get the number of messages prefetched by the EMS client from the server to improve efficiency.
        the number of messages prefetched by the EMS client.
      • isPrefetchInherited

        public boolean isPrefetchInherited()
        Determine if the prefetch setting for this dest is inherited from a parent dest.
        true if the prefetch setting for this dest is inherited from a parent dest.
      • setPrefetch

        public void setPrefetch​(int prefetch)
        Set the number of messages prefetched by the consumers of this destination. To use the default prefetch setting, prefetch should be set to PREFETCH_DEFAULT. Prefetch can be disabled for local queues via setting it to PREFETCH_NONE. Topics and routed queues do not support PREFETCH_NONE.
        prefetch - the number of messages consumers prefetch for this destination
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if PREFETCH_NONE specified for topic or routed queue.
      • getImportTransports

        public java.lang.String[] getImportTransports()
        Get the names of the transports that this destination imports messages from.
        array of transport names.
      • areImportTransportsInherited

        public boolean areImportTransportsInherited()
        This method has been misnamed and replaced by isImportTransportsInherited().
      • isImportTransportsInherited

        public boolean isImportTransportsInherited()
        Determines if the list of transports this destination imports messages from was inherited from a parent destination or whether it was set on the destination directly.
        true if transport list inherited from parent, false otherwise.
        EMS 4.4
      • addImportTransport

        public void addImportTransport​(java.lang.String transportName)
                                throws TibjmsAdminInvalidNameException
        Add a new import transport to the list of transports this destination imports messages from. If the current list of transports has been inherited from a parent destination then adding a transport will stop the inheritance and the inherited transports will all be removed from the list and replaced with the new one. From then on isImportTransportsInherited will indicate that the transports are no longer inherited and future calls to addImportTransport will simply add new transports to the list.
        transportName - the name of the transport.
        TibjmsAdminInvalidNameException - if transportName is not a legal transport name
      • removeImportTransport

        public void removeImportTransport​(java.lang.String transportName)
                                   throws TibjmsAdminInvalidNameException,
        Remove an import transport from the list of transports this destination imports messages from. The removal of a transport from the list if the transports are inherited from a parent destination is not permitted and results in an exception.
        transportName - the name of the transport.
        TibjmsAdminInvalidNameException - if transportName is not a legal transport name
        TibjmsAdminException - if import transports is inherited
      • getBridgeTargets

        public BridgeTarget[] getBridgeTargets()
        Get the target destinations that this destination bridges to.
        array of BridgeTarget objects.
      • areBridgeTargetsInherited

        public boolean areBridgeTargetsInherited()
        This method has been misnamed and replaced by isBridgeTargetsInherited().
      • isBridgeTargetsInherited

        public boolean isBridgeTargetsInherited()
        Determines if the list of targets was inherited from a parent destination or whether it was set on the destination directly.
        true if targets inherited from parent, false otherwise.
        EMS 4.4
      • isSenderName

        public boolean isSenderName()
        Indicates whether or not the sender_name property is set on this destionation.
        true if sender_name property is set on this destionation, false otherwise.
      • setSenderName

        public void setSenderName​(boolean senderName)
        Set sender_name property.
        senderName - name of sender.
      • isSenderNameInherited

        public boolean isSenderNameInherited()
        Indicates whether or not the sender_name property is inherited.
        true if sender_name property is inherited, false otherwise.
      • isSenderNameEnforced

        public boolean isSenderNameEnforced()
        Indicates whether or not the sender_name_enforced property is set on this destination.
        true if sender_name_enforced property is set on this destionation, false otherwise.
      • setSenderNameEnforced

        public void setSenderNameEnforced​(boolean senderNameEnforced)
        Set sender_name_enforced property.
        senderNameEnforced - true if the property is to be set, false otherwise.
      • isSenderNameEnforcedInherited

        public boolean isSenderNameEnforcedInherited()
        Indicates whether or not the sender_name_enforced is inherited.
        true if sender_name_enforced property is inherited, false otherwise.
      • getMaxBytes

        public long getMaxBytes()
        Get the maximum number of message bytes that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
        the maximum number of message bytes that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
      • setMaxBytes

        public void setMaxBytes​(long maxBytes)
        Set the maximum number of message bytes that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
        maxBytes - the maximum number of message bytes the server should store bound for this destination.
      • isMaxBytesInherited

        public boolean isMaxBytesInherited()
        Determine if the maxBytes property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the maxBytes property was inherited.
      • getMaxMsgs

        public long getMaxMsgs()
        Get the maximum number of messages that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
        the maximum number of messages that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
        EMS 4.3 (queues only), EMS 4.4 (topics and queues)
      • setMaxMsgs

        public void setMaxMsgs​(long maxMsgs)
        Set the maximum number of messages that the server will store for pending messages bound for this destination.
        maxMsgs - the maximum number of messages the server should store bound for this destination.
        EMS 4.3 (queues only), EMS 4.4 (topics and queues)
      • isMaxMsgsInherited

        public boolean isMaxMsgsInherited()
        Determine if the maxMsgs property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the maxMsgs property was inherited.
        EMS 4.3 (queues only), EMS 4.4 (topics and queues)
      • setOverflowPolicy

        public void setOverflowPolicy​(int overflow)
                               throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Set the overflow policy for this destination. Allowable values are OVERFLOW_DEFAULT, OVERFLOW_DISCARD_OLD and OVERFLOW_REJECT_INCOMING.
        overflow - the overflow policy for this destination.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if overflow is invalid.
        EMS 4.3 (queues only), EMS 4.4 (topics and queues)
      • isOverflowPolicyInherited

        public boolean isOverflowPolicyInherited()
        Determine if the overflow property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the overflow property was inherited.
        EMS 4.3 (queues only), EMS 4.4 (topics and queues)
      • getStore

        public java.lang.String getStore()
        Get the store for this destination.
        the store for this destination.
        EMS 5.0
      • isStoreInherited

        public boolean isStoreInherited()
        Determine if the store property was inherited from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the store property was inherited.
        EMS 5.0
      • setStore

        public void setStore​(java.lang.String store)
        Set the store for this destination.
        store - the store for this destination.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if store is null or empty
        EMS 5.0
      • getMsgTrace

        public byte getMsgTrace()
        Indicates whether message tracing is enabled for this destination and, if it is enabled, what is to be traced.
        a byte representing the level of message tracing for this destination.
      • setMsgTrace

        public void setMsgTrace​(byte trace)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Set the level of message tracing for this destination.
        trace - a byte representing the desired level of message tracing for this destination.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if trace is invalid.
      • isMsgTraceInherited

        public boolean isMsgTraceInherited()
        Determine if the message trace property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the trace property was inherited, false otherwise.
      • getFlowControlMaxBytes

        public long getFlowControlMaxBytes()
        Get the volume of pending messages (in bytes) at which flow control is enabled for this destination.
        the volume of pending messages (in bytes) that the server will store for this destination before enabling flow control. A return value of zero indicates that flow control will never be enabled.
      • setFlowControlMaxBytes

        public void setFlowControlMaxBytes​(long fcBytes)
        Set the volume of pending messages (in bytes) at which flow control will be enabled for this destination.
        fcBytes - the volume of messages (in bytes) that the server should store for this destination before enabling flow control. Set the value to zero to cancel the current value.
      • isFlowControlMaxBytesInherited

        public boolean isFlowControlMaxBytesInherited()
        Determine if the flowControlMaxBytes property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the flowControlMaxBytes property was inherited.
      • isStatic

        public boolean isStatic()
        Determine if this destination is static. A destination is static if it is explicitly configured on the server. Temporary destinations and destinations created by the client without being configured on the server are not static. Only static destinations can be modified. Attempts to modify dynamic and temporary destinations will throw an exception.
        true if this destination is static.
      • isTemporary

        public boolean isTemporary()
        Determine if this destination is temporary.
        true if this destination is temporary.
      • connectionID

        public long connectionID()
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Get a temporary destination's connection ID.
        the connection ID for a temporary destination.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if destination is not temporary.
        EMS 8.2
      • getPendingMessageCount

        public long getPendingMessageCount()
        Get the total number of pending messages for this destination.
        the total number of pending messages for this destination.
      • getPendingMessageSize

        public long getPendingMessageSize()
        Get the total size for all pending messages for this destination.
        the total size for all pending messages for this destination.
      • getPendingPersistentMessageCount

        public long getPendingPersistentMessageCount()
        Get the total number of pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
        the total number of pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
        EMS 6.1
      • getPendingPersistentMessageSize

        public long getPendingPersistentMessageSize()
        Get the total size for all pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
        the total size for all pending messages for this destination that were sent persistently.
        EMS 6.1
      • getConsumerCount

        public int getConsumerCount()
        Get the number of consumers for this destination.
        the number of consumers for this destination.
      • getInboundStatistics

        public StatData getInboundStatistics()
        Get inbound statistics for this destination. Inbound statistics refers to all messages sent into this destination by EMS clients and routed server.
        the inbound statistics for this destination
      • getOutboundStatistics

        public StatData getOutboundStatistics()
        Get outbound statistics for this destination. Outbound statistics refers to all messages sent by the server to consumers on this destination and to other routed server.
        the outbound statistics for this destination.
      • getExpiryOverride

        public long getExpiryOverride()
        Get the expiry override for this destination. When this property is set to a non-zero value for a destination, and the server delivers a message to it, the server replaces the producer's expiration value with this value.
        the expiration time in milliseconds.
        EMS 4.2
      • setExpiryOverride

        public void setExpiryOverride​(long expiry)
        Set the expiry override for this destination. When this property is set to a non-zero value for a destination, and the server delivers a message to it, the server replaces the producer's expiration value with this value.
        expiry - the expiration time in milliseconds.
        EMS 4.2
      • isExpiryOverrideInherited

        public boolean isExpiryOverrideInherited()
        Determine if the expiry override property was inheritied from a parent destination or set directly for this destination.
        true if the expiry override property was inherited.
        EMS 4.2
      • getRedeliveryDelay

        public long getRedeliveryDelay()
        Get the redelivery delay for this queue. When this property is set to a non-zero value for a destination, and the server needs to redeliver it to a consumer, the server delays resending the message for at least this amount of time.
        the redelivery delay in milliseconds.
        EMS 6.0
      • setRedeliveryDelay

        public void setRedeliveryDelay​(long delay)
        Set the redelivery delay for this queue. When this property is set to a non-zero value for a destination, and the server needs to redeliver it to a consumer, the server delays resending the message for at least this amount of time.
        delay - the redelivery delay in milliseconds.
        EMS 6.0
      • isRedeliveryDelayInherited

        public boolean isRedeliveryDelayInherited()
        Determine if the redelivery delay property was inheritied from a parent queue or set directly for this queue.
        true if the redelivery delay property was inherited.
        EMS 6.0
      • statString

        public java.lang.String statString()
        Helper method that generates the statistical information in the form of a string.
        String representation of statistical information.