Class QueueInfo

  • public class QueueInfo
    extends DestinationInfo
    This class represents a message queue that is configured on the EMS server.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueueInfo

        public QueueInfo​(java.lang.String queueName)
        The public constructor creates a QueueInfo object with the given name. The queue is not created on the server until the object is passed to TibjmsAdmin.createQueue().
        queueName - the name for the queue being created.
    • Method Detail

      • isExclusive

        public boolean isExclusive()
        Determine if this queue is exclusive.
        true if this queue has the exclusive property set.
      • isExclusiveInherited

        public boolean isExclusiveInherited()
        Determine if the exclusive property is inherited from a parent queue.
        true if the exclusive property is inherited from a parent queue.
      • setExclusive

        public void setExclusive​(boolean exclusive)
        Set the exclusive property for this queue.
        exclusive - true if this queue should be exclusive.
      • isRouted

        public boolean isRouted()
        Determine if this is a routed queue or not.
        true if the queue is routed.
        EMS 4.4
      • getRouteName

        public java.lang.String getRouteName()
        Get the name of this routed queue's route
        the route name or null if the queue is not routed
        EMS 4.4
      • isRouteConnected

        public boolean isRouteConnected()
        Determine if the route for this queue is connected.
        true if the route for this queue is connected.
      • getReceiverCount

        public int getReceiverCount()
        Get the number of active receivers on this queue.
        the number of active receivers on this queue.
      • getMaxRedelivery

        public int getMaxRedelivery()
        Get the maximum number of times the server will redeliver a given message from this queue to the queue receivers.
        the maximum number of times a message will be redelivered. A return value of zero indicates that the server will continue to deliver a message to the receivers until either the message is consumed or, if the message has a finite time to live, the message expires.
      • setMaxRedelivery

        public void setMaxRedelivery​(int maxRedelivery)
        Set the maximum number of times the server will redeliver a given message from this queue to the queue receivers.
        maxRedelivery - the maximum number of times a message should be redelivered. Set the value to zero to cancel the current value.
      • isMaxRedeliveryInherited

        public boolean isMaxRedeliveryInherited()
        Determine if the maxRedelivery property was inheritied from a parent queue or set directly for this queue.
        true if the maxRedelivery property was inherited.
      • getDeliveredMessageCount

        public long getDeliveredMessageCount()
        Get the total number of messages that have been delivered to consumer applications but have not yet been acknowledged.
        the total number of delivered messages for this queue.
      • getInTransitMessageCount

        public long getInTransitMessageCount()
        Get the total number of messages that have been delivered to the queue owner but have not yet been acknowledged.
        the total number of in transit messages for this queue.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • from

        public static QueueInfo from​( cd)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        For Internal use only, may be removed or deprecated in future.
        a QueueInfo object from CompositeData
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if CompositeType does not match or if a null CompositeData is passed.