TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R

Available Functions in TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R

TERR strives to be entirely compatible with open-source R, and so it contains thousands of functions that you can use to run R code.

The lists of available functions provides you with a quick view into those functions that have been implemented as of version 6.0.0, and each release we add more to increase compatibility and enhance the performance and usability of TERR.

This table provides information about the numbers of functions implemented in open-source R that are also available in TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R.
Package Open-source R functions TERR functions Percent of open-source R functions implemented in TERR (%)
base 1359 1201 88.4
datasets 104 104 100
graphics* 88 86 97.7
grDevices* 113 104 92
methods 371 103 27.8
stats 456 394 86.4
utils 219 140 63.9