TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R

Closed Issues

This table lists closed issues in version 6.0.0 of TERR. It reflects fixes for issues with package compatibility, open-source R compatibility, and general issues with TERR.

Key Description
TERR-3978 seq.POSIXt(from=date1, to=date2, by=...) no longer outputs any dates beyond date2.
TERR-5136 A long input line in the console could cause TERR to fail unexpectedly.
TERR-5176 Printing the summary of a Date or a POSIXct or POSIXlt vector with NAs or with a data.frame that contains a column of these types now prints the number of NAs correctly.
TERR-5689 Setting row names for an xts object from the xts package resulted in the error invalid 'dimnames' given for xts. This issue has been fixed.
TERR-6073 The regmatches function now works correctly when its invert argument is NA.
TERR-6114 summary.Date, summary.POSIXct, and summary.POSIXlt now create an object containing the number of NAs as a separate integer attribute, matching open-source R.
TERR-6977 Previously, system2 ignored input and stdin arguments on Linux.
TERR-7004 An update to the MK library in TERR 4.5.0 can cause slight differences from nls() compared to earlier versions.
TERR-7044 The source() function now accepts the following arguments that were added to open-source R:
  • exprs
  • spaced
  • width.cutoff
  • deparseCtrl
TERR-7087 system2() returned incorrect results if there were over a certain number of characters in the command line.
TERR-7122 Previously, read.table would give an error when reading a space character as a logical.
TERR-7217 seq.Date and seq.POSIXt now accept specifying the time unit as by="quarters".
TERR-7508 When you initialize an S4 object with a slot of class vector, or set this slot with slot(obj,nm,check=TRUE)<-newval, the new slot value is coerced to a vector before it is assigned.
TERR-7696 In some obscure cases, calling eval on an expression could generate an error before the expression started evaluation. This issue has been fixed.
TERR-7702 The function setMethod now matches R's behavior when it generates warnings or messages about unknown classes in the method signature. Specifically, no message or warning is generated if an unknown class is specified with a className object.
TERR-7707 The setRefClass function now correctly sets the slots and prototype of the refclass, including information from any non-refclass superclasses.
TERR-7713 ts(x=matrix(), names=NULL) now sets the column names of the output to NULL, not "Series <n>" or to the column names of x. The formatting and printing functions for such objects no longer convert NULL column names to "Series <n>".
TERR-7719 sprintf("%.0f", c(Inf,-Inf,NA,NaN)) no longer truncates the result to zero characters. It now ignores the precision part of the format specifier when rendering special numeric values. This behavior matches that of open-source R.
TERR-7726 seq.POSIXt(from,to,by) could give an extra element beyond the desired sequence of times, depending on the current time zone. This issue has been fixed.
TERR-7731 TERR now allows collecting errors generated within internal OpenMP code, which can lead to errors such as "Error: invalid comparison with complex values (600 times in omp region)".
TERR-7738 An incorrect error message could be printed when there was a tryCatch call within an on.exit expression.
TERR-7739 Making a data.frame from a recursive list would sometimes drop some parts of the resulting column names.
TERR-7741 The exclude and useNA arguments to table() did not work properly in several ways. For example, exclude=NULL had the side effect of setting useNA to "always". These arguments now work as they do in open source R. Also, factor(exclude=NA, x) had excluded both NA and NaN from the levels of the resulting factor. This function now excludes only NA.
TERR-7743 The real(), is.real(), and as.real() functions have been removed. They were removed from open-source R in 2013.
TERR-7747 When printing a list containing classed objects or an object with classed attributes, the print method for those classed objects did not get exactly the arguments passed to print: some arguments were omitted and some were added. This issue has been fixed.
TERR-7748 The function as.hexmode("") now gives an error instead of returning 0. This change follows a change in open-source R 3.6.0.
TERR-7750 array(x,dim,dimnames) now requires that dimnames be a list (or pairlist). Previously, array(x,dim,dimnames) ignored non-list dimnames. This change follows a change made in open-source R 3.3.0.
TERR-7754 The functions suppressMessages and suppressWarnings now include the argument classes. This argument is used for suppressing only certain classes of messages or warnings.
TERR-7755 activeBindingFunction(sym,env)  This function retrieves the function for the active binding, the fun argument to makeActiveBinding(sym,fun,env).
TERR-7757 transform.data.frame() now passes arguments to data.frame(). For example, it now passes stringsAsFactors and check.names to data.frame() instead of treating them like new columns in the data.frame it produces.
TERR-7760 The summary method for lm objects now also returns the weights component from the lm object. if it exists.
TERR-7774 The normalizePath function on Windows now returns the capitalization used in the "official" version of the file name.  Previously, the capitalization depended on context.
TERR-7777 If you manually edited the DCF created by a call to buildServerSPK, and then rebuilt the SPK from the DCF without explicitly providing a value for the spkName argument, then the function could fail with an error. This issue has been fixed.
TERR-7789 While TERR processes an interrupt, it defines a restart named "resume". If the function withCallingHandlers defines an interrupt condition handler that invokes this restart, the interrupted computation is resumed.
TERR-7790 If options('interrupt') is set to a function, it is called with no arguments if an interrupt condition is not caught. If this function invokes a restart named "resume", then the interrupted computation is resumed.
TERR-7795 The argument matching with ... and default values have been changed to match open-source R. Also, the lapply and other apply functions have been changed to ignore extra missing arguments specified using 'a,i=,b' to match changes made in open-source R version 3.5.0.

The unexported function utils:::checkHT has been defined so that the code in the Matrix package can call it. The function do.call('[',argList) now works correctly if argList contains missing values for the selection indices.

TERR-7804 Following open-source R 4.0.0, S3 method dispatching for cbind and rbind has changed, so it calls the cbind or rbind S3 method for the first argument that has one, rather than using the default cbind or rbind if multiple arguments have different S3 methods.
TERR-7823 If a C function called with .Call returns the C NULL value, then the open-source R NULL object is returned instead, and a warning is generated.
TERR-7825 On Windows, file.rename(aa,bb) no longer fails if the file bb already exists.
TERR-7828 Several selection and replacement functions defined as TERR natives (such as storage.mode, `$`, `[<-`, and so on) now return the correct arguments when passed to the args and formals functions.
TERR-7833 contrib.url(type="mac.binary") no longer adds the nickname of a MacOS version in the returned URL.
TERR-7843 TERR now correctly handles CTRL+C interrupts in non-interactive sessions, such as when TERR is started with the options -e, -f, or < file, or when TERR is run in Emacs/ESS.
TERR-7852 The R C API function VECTOR_ELT(x,i) accepts i up to max(TRUELENGTH(x),length(x))-1, not just to length(x)-1, which is needed for the data.table package, version 1.13.0, to work in TERR.
TERR-7854 The Rapi entries TAG and SET_TAG now allow any object to be the 'tag' of a pairlist, rather than giving an error. The Rapi entry R_UnwindProtect does not give an error "bad continuation argument". These changes prevent problems using the vroom and cpp11 packages.
TERR-7864 A small memory leak in base::OlsonNames() has been fixed.
TERR-7876 The Rapi entries CAR, CDR, and TAG now work on function objects. The corresponding entries for setting (SETCAR, SETCDR, and SET_TAG) also work on function objects. These entries are called by the qs package.
TERR-7891 Improved error handling in TERR for calling Rf_error while executing a R_new_custom_connection callback method prevents TERR from closing unexpectedly when you use the curl package.
TERR-7893 as.POSIXct("2029-02-29 14:17",format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") now returns NA, rather than returning 2029-03-01.  This change in behavior now matches open-source R. 
TERR-7894 stats::reformulate() now has the argument env=parent.frame() so you can make the environment of the returned formula whatever you want it to be.
TERR-7895 regmatches(x, invert=TRUE, ...) and regmatches(x, invert=NA, ...) would give the error "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed" when x contained an NA. These functions no longer give an error.
TERR-7906 When utils::unzip has problems unzipping a file when used with install.packages (for example), it now gives an error message containing details about the error. Previously, the errors were printed to the standard error stream and were not part of the error message itself.
TERR-7923 When functions like readLines read UTF-8 characters, they no longer skip illegal Unicode characters (such as 0xFFFD) with a warning, but instead read them as a character (for example, the character 0xFFFD). This change permits loading the package jsonld, which reads a long js script including 0xFFFD characters.
TERR-7930 System Requirements documentation has been updated to reflect required library installation for running the TERR console on RHEL 8, CentOS 8, and SUSE 15.