Waveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation


These data sets, named akima.x, akima.y, and akima.z, collectively represent a smooth, distorted waveform in three dimensions. The data were taken from a study of waveform distortion in electronic circuits, described the second reference below.




akima.x, akima.y, akima.z
represent a smooth surface of z values at selected points irregularly distributed in the x-y plane.
Hiroshi Akima (1978). A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 4:148-159. Copyright 1978, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., reprinted by permission.
Hiroshi Akima (1974). A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting Based on Local Procedures. CACM 17:18-20.
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