Datasets from S-PLUS
Package description
airNew York Ozone Concentration
airqualityNew York Ozone Concentration
akimaWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
akima.xWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
akima.yWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
akima.zWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
authorCharacter Counts for Books by Various Authors
author.countCharacter Counts for Books by Various Authors
autoStatistics of Automobile Models
auto.statsStatistics of Automobile Models
barleySample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
barley.diseaseBarley Disease Data
barley.exposedBarley Disease Data
bicoalBituminous Coal Production in USA
bicoal.tonsBituminous Coal Production in USA
bondsDaily Yields of Six AT&T Bonds
bonds.couponDaily Yields of Six AT&T Bonds
bonds.yieldDaily Yields of Six AT&T Bonds
carFuel Consumption Data
car.allAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
car.galsFuel Consumption Data
car.milesFuel Consumption Data
car.test.frameAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
car.timeFuel Consumption Data
catalystComparing the Yield of Two Catalysts
cerealConsumer Attitudes Towards Breakfast Cereals
cereal.attitudeConsumer Attitudes Towards Breakfast Cereals
chernoff2Mineral Contents Data (used by Chernoff)
cityNames and Locations of Selected U.S. Cities
city.nameNames and Locations of Selected U.S. Cities
city.stateNames and Locations of Selected U.S. Cities
city.xNames and Locations of Selected U.S. Cities
city.yNames and Locations of Selected U.S. Cities
claimsCost of Automobile Insurance Claims
CO2CO2 Uptake Versus Concentration Data
cornCorn Yields and Rainfall
corn.rainCorn Yields and Rainfall
corn.yieldCorn Yields and Rainfall
cu.dimensionsAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
cu.specsAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
cu.summaryAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
datingSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
DNaseAssay Data for the Protein DNase
drug.multDrug Study Data for Repeated Measures
environmentalSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
ethanolMeasurement of Exhaust from Burning Ethanol
evapSoil Evaporation Data
evap.xSoil Evaporation Data
evap.ySoil Evaporation Data
exsurfExample Surface for 3-D Plots
freenyFreeny's Revenue Data
freeny.xFreeny's Revenue Data
freeny.yFreeny's Revenue Data
fuel.frameAutomobile Data from Consumer Reports
fusion.timeSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
galaxyRadial Velocity of Galaxy NGC7531
ganglionSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
gasMeasurement of Exhaust from Burning Ethanol
geyserOld Faithful Geyser Data
guayuleRate of Germination of Treated Guayule Seeds
gunSpeed of Firing Naval Guns
halibutHalibut Data
hamsterSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
hstartUS Housing Starts
IndomethPharmacokinetics of Indomethicin
kyphosisSpinal Disease in Children Data
liverCarcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers
liver.cellsCarcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers
liver.experCarcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers
liver.gtCarcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers
liver.sectionCarcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers
longleyLongley's Regression Data
longley.xLongley's Regression Data
longley.yLongley's Regression Data
lotteryNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (First Set)
lottery.numberNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (First Set)
lottery.payoffNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (First Set)
lottery2New Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Second Set)
lottery2.numberNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Second Set)
lottery2.payoffNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Second Set)
lottery3New Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Third Set)
lottery3.numberNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Third Set)
lottery3.payoffNew Jersey Pick-It Lottery Data (Third Set)
lynxCanadian Lynx Trappings
market.surveyAT&T Telemarketing Data
melanomaSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
oilcityMonthly Excess Returns of Oil City Petroleum, Inc. Stocks and the Market
OrangeGrowth of Orange Trees
ozoneOzone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S.
ozone.cityOzone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S.
ozone.medianOzone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S.
ozone.quartileOzone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S.
ozone.xyOzone Concentrations in the Northeast U.S.
pigmentMoisture Content of Pigments Experiment
pingpongUS Table Tennis Association Data
polarizationSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
primParticle Physics Data
prim4Particle Physics Data
prim9Particle Physics Data
quakes.bayBay Area Earthquakes
rainNew York City Precipitation
rain.nyc1New York City Precipitation
rain.nyc2New York City Precipitation
rubberSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
savingSavings Rates for Countries
saving.xSavings Rates for Countries
sensorsResponses of eight sensors to a gas
shipManufacturing Shipments
singerSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
sliced.ball3D Ball with Slice Removed
solderAT&T Solder Experiment
solder.balanceAT&T Solder Experiment
solder2AT&T Solder Experiment
stackStack-loss Data
stack.lossStack-loss Data
stack.xStack-loss Data
stacklossStack-loss Data
stateStates of the U.S.
state.abbStates of the U.S.
state.centerStates of the U.S.
state.divisionStates of the U.S.
state.nameStates of the U.S.
state.regionStates of the U.S.
state.x77States of the U.S.
steamSteam Usage Data
steam.xSteam Usage Data
steam.ySteam Usage Data
sunspotsMonthly Mean Relative Sunspot Numbers
swissFertility Data for Switzerland in 1888
swiss.fertilityFertility Data for Switzerland in 1888
swiss.xFertility Data for Switzerland in 1888
switzerlandHeights of Switzerland on 12 by 12 Grid
telsamInterviewer Response Data
telsam.responseInterviewer Response Data
testscoresScores from Mathematics Qualifying Exams
TheophPharmacokinetic Study of Theophylline
toneBricker's Tone-Ringer Preference Data
tone.appealBricker's Tone-Ringer Preference Data
trellis.datasetsSample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics
utilEarnings and Market/Book Ratio for Utilities
util.earnEarnings and Market/Book Ratio for Utilities
util.mktbookEarnings and Market/Book Ratio for Utilities
voiceVoice Spectrogram Data
voice.fiveVoice Spectrogram Data
votesVotes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections
votes.repubVotes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections
votes.yearVotes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections
waferAT&T Wafer Experiment
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
Available Packages