Barley Disease Data


These data sets, named barley.disease and, are 3-way arrays that are 8 by 5 by 3. The first dimension ("cultivar") represents varieties of barley and wheat, the second ("time") is approximate two week periods in 1986, and the third ("cluster") is locations in the field.
Plants were grown in a disease-free greenhouse and then set out in small pots at specific locations in a field infected with the disease which is now called "barley yellow streak mosaic virus disease". The data are taken from Table 10 of the reference below. These data are not related to the data set barley, included in the package Sdatasets.


barley.disease the number of plants that acquired the disease during the two week period. the number of healthy young plants placed in the field.
Robertson, N.L. (1987). A New Virus-Like Disease of Barley: Etiology, Epidemiology, and the Ultrastructure of Associated Virus-Like Particles. PhD. Dissertation, Montana State University, Bozeman.
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
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