Comparing the Yield of Two Catalysts


The catalyst data frame is a design object. Its eight rows represent all possible combinations of two temperatures, two concentrations, and two catalysts. The fourth column represents the response variable Yield . This data frame contains the following columns:


Temp a factor giving one of two temperatures, 160 or 180 degrees.
Conc a factor giving one of two concentrations levels, 20 or 40 .
Cat a factor giving one of two catalysts, A or B .
Yield the numeric response variable.
Box, G. E., Hunter, W. G., and Hunter, S. (1978) Statistics for Experimenters. J. Wiley and Sons, NY, p. 308.
John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie, (eds.) Statistical Models in S, Wadsworth and Brooks, Pacific Grove, CA 1992, pp. 147, 150--52.
aovcat<- aov(Yield ~ ., catalyst)  
     # the "." stands for all the variables in the data frame 
     # except the one to the left of the "~" 
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
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