Cost of Automobile Insurance Claims


The original data was taken from 8942 insurance claims. The 128 rows of the claims data frame represent all possible combinations of the 3 predictor variables (columns) age , car.age , and type . An additional variable, number gives the number of claims in each cell. The outcome variable, cost is the average cost of the claims.


age an ordered factor dividing the claimants into eight age groups. The levels are `17-20 < 21-24 < 25-29 < 30-34 < 35-39 < 40-49 < 50-59 < 60+'
car.age an ordered factor dividing the claims into four groups by the age of the car. The levels are `0-3 < 4-7 < 8-9 < 10+'
type a factor giving one of four types of car: A , B , C or D .
cost the average cost of claims for a given combination of claimant age, car age, and claim type. Some are NA .
number the number of claims for a given combination of claimant age, car age, and claim type. Some are 0 .
Baxter, L. A., Coutts, S. M., and Ross, G. A. F. (1980) Applications of Linear Models in Motor Insurance. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Actuaries, Zurich, pp. 11--29.
John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie, (1992) Statistical Models in S, Wadsworth and Brooks, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 111--112.
data(claims) <- lm(cost ~ age + type + car.age, data=claims, 
     weights=number, na.action=na.omit) 
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