Measurement of Exhaust from Burning Ethanol


The ethanol data frame records 88 measurements (rows) for three variables (columns) NOx , C , and E from an experiment in which ethanol was burned in a single cylinder automobile test engine.
The gas data frame records 22 measurements of NOx and E from a similar experiment involving gasoline in place of ethanol.


NOx the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in engine exhaust, normalized by the work done by the engine.
C the compression ratio of the engine.
E the equivalence ratio at which the engine was run---a measure of the richness of the air/ethanol mix.
Brinkman, N.D. (1981) Ethanol Fuel---A single-cylinder Engine Study of Efficiency and Exhaust Emissions. SAE transactions Vol. 90, No 810345, pp. 1410--1424.
John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie, (eds.) Statistical Models in S, Wadsworth and Brooks, Pacific Grove, CA 1992, pp. 75, 222, 272--280, 331.
eth1 <- lm(NOx ~ C + E, data = Sdatasets::ethanol)
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