Carcinogeneity Studies of Rat Livers


The data sets liver.cells, liver.exper,, and liver.section contain observations from carcinogeneity studies of rat livers.


liver.cells number of cells injected into each animal.
liver.exper category for the three experiments (A, B, C) in the study. 52 by 4 matrix containing data for the 4 lobes (ARL, PRL, PPC, AC), with counts for each (observation,lobe) pair of the GT(+) colonies.
liver.section category for the section (replication) for each observation. Successive observations are pairs of sections for the same specimen.
The data were collected by Brian Laishes, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
The data were used in Laishes, B.A. and Rolfe, P.B. (1980). Quantitative Assessment of Liver Colony Formation and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence in Rats Receiving Intravenous Injections of Isogeneic Liver Cells Isolated during Hepatocarcinogenesis. Cancer Research 40: 4133--4143. Republished by permission of Cancer Research Journal.
The data appear in Fuchs, C. (1980). Detection of Damaged Animals in Carcinogeneity Studies with Laboratory Animals. University of Wisconsin Statistics Laboratory Report 80/3.
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