Canadian Lynx Trappings


A time series object. The data give annual number of lynx trappings in the Mackenzie River District of North-West Canada for the period 1821 to 1934.
See: Elton and Nicholson. (1942).The ten-year cycle in numbers of lynx in Canada, Journal of Animal Ecology, 11, 215-244. Republished by permission of Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd., Oxford, U. K., and the British Ecological Society, Reading, U. K.
Analyzed in: Campbell, M. J.and A. M. Walker. (1977). A Survey of Statistical Work on the Mackenzie River Series of Annual Canadian Lynx Trappings for the Years 1821-1934 and a New Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 140, Part 4, 411-431. Republished by permission of the Royal Statistical Society, London, U. K..
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